Vertical Tabs Reader Choose Stylesheet TEI BoilerplateXML ViewToggle Soft WrapToggle Invisibles<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <TEI xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" ../../withTable/myTEI.xsd" xmlns=""> <teiHeader> <fileDesc> <titleStmt> <title>Watermark Markup Language</title> <respStmt> <persName xml:id="MAM">Mark Makowski</persName> <resp>Encoder and Editor</resp> </respStmt> <respStmt> <persName>Aaron Mauro</persName> <resp>Instructor</resp> </respStmt> </titleStmt> <publicationStmt> <!--groups information concerning the publication or distribution of an electronic or other text --> <publisher> <address> <name ana="#MAM">Mark Makowski</name> <placeName xml:id="PSB">Penn State Behrend</placeName> <placeName xml:id="DHL">Digital Humanities Lab</placeName> <addrLine>4701 Jordan Rd</addrLine> <addrLine ana="#EPA">Erie, PA 16563</addrLine> <addrLine/> </address> </publisher> </publicationStmt> <sourceDesc> <!--describes the source from which an electronic text was derived or generated, typically a bibliographic description in the case of a digitized text, or a phrase such as "born digital" for a text which has no previous existence. --> <bibl> <address> <addName xml:id="HPC">HAMMERMILL PAPER COMPANY</addName> <addrLine xml:id="EPA">ERIE, PA</addrLine> <addName xml:id="EP">ERIE PLANT</addName> </address> </bibl> <bibl xml:id="HPG"> <address> <!-- Origination of the Letter --> <placeName xml:id="HPGC">Hammermill Paper Group</placeName> <addrLine>PO BOX 1140</addrLine> <addrLine ana="#EPA">Erie, PA 16533</addrLine> <note xml:id="TP">814-456-8811</note> </address> </bibl> </sourceDesc> </fileDesc> </teiHeader> <text> <body> <head> <title>H-3745</title> <table> <row rend="typed"> <cell xml:id="PCS"><p><emph>PCS.</emph></p></cell> <cell xml:id="MA"><p><emph>MARK</emph></p></cell> <cell xml:id="DSC"><p><emph>DESCRIPTION</emph></p></cell> <cell xml:id="PRD"><p><emph>PUR. ORD.</emph></p></cell> <cell xml:id="SC"><p><emph>STORES CODE</emph></p></cell> </row> <row> <cell rend="written-typed"><p><name ana="#HPC">HAMMERMILL PAPER CO.</name></p></cell> <cell/> <cell/> <cell/> <cell xml:id="SCL" rend="typed"><p><emph>SCALE</emph></p></cell> <cell ana="#SCL"><p rend="written">FULL SIZE</p></cell> </row> <row> <cell ana="#EPA" rend="typed"><p>ERIE, PA.</p></cell> <cell/> <cell/> <cell/> <cell xml:id="DFT" rend="typed"><p><emph>DRFT.</emph></p></cell> <cell xml:id="JZ"><p rend="written">JACK ZEITLER</p></cell> </row> <row> <cell ana="#EP" rend="written-typed"><p>ERIE PLANT</p></cell> <cell/> <cell/> <cell/> <cell xml:id="EN" rend="typed"><p><emph>ENG</emph></p></cell> <cell ana="#EN"/> </row> <row> <cell xml:id="WM" rend="written-typed"><p>WATERMARK</p></cell> <cell/> <cell/> <cell/> <cell xml:id="DT" rend="typed"><p><emph>DATE</emph></p></cell> <cell ana="#DT"><p><date when="1973-01-26" rend="written">JAN. 26, 73</date></p></cell> </row> <row rend="written-typed"> <cell xml:id="SM" rend="written-typed"><p>6 CAVITY STEEL MOLD</p></cell> <cell/> <cell/> <cell/> <cell xml:id="DN" rend="typed"><p><emph>DRAWING NO.</emph></p></cell> <cell/> </row> <row rend="written-typed"> <cell xml:id="CO"><p>IBM</p></cell> <cell/> <cell/> <cell/> <cell ana="#DN" ><p>H-3745</p></cell> <cell/> </row> <row rend="typed"> <cell/> <cell/> <cell/> <cell/> <cell xml:id="SO"><p><emph>S.O.</emph></p></cell> <cell xml:id="CS"><p><emph>CLASS:</emph></p></cell> </row> <row> <cell/> <cell/> <cell/> <cell/> <cell ana="#SO"/> <cell ana="#CS"><p rend="written">25.3</p></cell> </row> </table> </head> <figure> <graphic url="../moldShe.png"></graphic> </figure> <pb n="1"/> <pb n="2"/> <ab rend="typed-written">DESIGN SHOWN TO BE ENGRAVED IN EACH CAVITY.</ab> <ab rend="typed-written">OPEN SPACES WITH-IN LETTERS TO BE COMPLETELY CLEAN AND FREE OF BURRS OR OTHER EXCESS MATERIAL.</ab> <ab>MOLD:</ab> <figure> <graphic url="../moldTot.png"/> </figure> <pb n="3"/> <table> <row n="1"> <cell/> <cell/> <cell/> <cell/> <cell><p rend="written">"2"</p></cell> <cell/> <cell/> <cell/> </row> <row n="2"> <cell/> <cell><figure> <graphic xml:id="MLD" url="../IBMMold.png"/> <ab><emph ana="#CO">IBM</emph> MOLD</ab> <ab>WIDTH: 2 1/2"</ab> <ab>HEIGHT: 1 3/16"</ab> </figure></cell> <cell/> <cell/> <cell><p rend="written">1 3/16"</p></cell> <cell/> <cell/> </row> <row n="3"> <cell/> <cell/> <cell/> <cell/> <cell><p rend="written">"2"</p></cell> <cell/> <cell/> </row> <row n="4"> <cell/> <cell/> <cell/> <cell/> <cell><p rend="written">1 3/16"</p></cell> <cell><p rend="written">5 9/16"</p></cell> <cell/> </row> <row n="5"> <cell/> <cell/> <cell/> <cell/> <cell><p rend="written">"2"</p></cell> <cell/> <cell/> </row> <row n="6"> <cell/> <cell/> <cell/> <cell/> <cell><p rend="written">1 3/16"</p></cell> <cell/> <cell/> </row> <row n="7"> <cell/> <cell/> <cell/> <cell/> <cell><p rend="written">"2"</p></cell> <cell/> <cell/> </row> <row n="8"> <cell><p rend="written">1/2"</p></cell> <cell><p rend="written">2 1/2"</p></cell> <cell><p rend="written">1/2"</p></cell> <cell><p rend="written">2 1/2"</p></cell> <cell><p rend="written">1/2"</p></cell> <cell><p rend="written">.0375"</p></cell> <cell><p rend="written">.9375"</p></cell> </row> <row n="9"> <cell/> <cell/> <cell/> <cell><p rend="written">6 1/2"</p></cell> <cell/> <cell/> <cell/> </row> <row n="10"> <cell/> <cell><p rend="written">60^</p></cell> <cell/> <cell/> <cell><p rend="written">.0375"</p></cell> <cell><p rend="written">.0975"</p></cell> <cell><p rend="written">.975"</p></cell> </row> <row> <cell><p rend="written">64" FACE</p></cell> </row> </table> </body> </text> </TEI> Hide page breaks Views diplomatic normalized Watermark Markup Language Mark Makowski Encoder and Editor Aaron Mauro Instructor Mark Makowski Penn State Behrend Digital Humanities Lab 4701 Jordan Rd Erie, PA 16563 HAMMERMILL PAPER COMPANY ERIE, PA ERIE PLANT Hammermill Paper Group PO BOX 1140 Erie, PA 16533 814-456-8811 H-3745 PCS. MARK DESCRIPTION PUR. ORD. STORES CODE HAMMERMILL PAPER CO. SCALE FULL SIZE ERIE, PA. DRFT. JACK ZEITLER ERIE PLANT ENG WATERMARK DATE JAN. 26, 73 6 CAVITY STEEL MOLD DRAWING NO. IBM H-3745 S.O. CLASS: 25.3 DESIGN SHOWN TO BE ENGRAVED IN EACH CAVITY. OPEN SPACES WITH-IN LETTERS TO BE COMPLETELY CLEAN AND FREE OF BURRS OR OTHER EXCESS MATERIAL. MOLD: "2" IBM MOLD WIDTH: 2 1/2" HEIGHT: 1 3/16" 1 3/16" "2" 1 3/16" 5 9/16" "2" 1 3/16" "2" 1/2" 2 1/2" 1/2" 2 1/2" 1/2" .0375" .9375" 6 1/2" 60^ .0375" .0975" .975" 64" FACE ToolboxHide page breaks Themes: Default Sleepy Time Terminal Watermark Markup Language Mark Makowski Encoder and Editor Aaron Mauro Instructor Mark Makowski Penn State Behrend Digital Humanities Lab 4701 Jordan Rd Erie, PA 16563 HAMMERMILL PAPER COMPANY ERIE, PA ERIE PLANT Hammermill Paper Group PO BOX 1140 Erie, PA 16533 814-456-8811 H-3745 PCS. MARK DESCRIPTION PUR. ORD. STORES CODE HAMMERMILL PAPER CO. SCALE FULL SIZE ERIE, PA. DRFT. JACK ZEITLER ERIE PLANT ENG WATERMARK DATE JAN. 26, 73 6 CAVITY STEEL MOLD DRAWING NO. IBM H-3745 S.O. CLASS: 25.3 DESIGN SHOWN TO BE ENGRAVED IN EACH CAVITY. OPEN SPACES WITH-IN LETTERS TO BE COMPLETELY CLEAN AND FREE OF BURRS OR OTHER EXCESS MATERIAL. MOLD: "2" IBM MOLD WIDTH: 2 1/2" HEIGHT: 1 3/16" 1 3/16" "2" 1 3/16" 5 9/16" "2" 1 3/16" "2" 1/2" 2 1/2" 1/2" 2 1/2" 1/2" .0375" .9375" 6 1/2" 60^ .0375" .0975" .975" 64" FACE Metadata TAPAS Title:IBM WatermarkTitle:Watermark Markup LanguageTAPAS Author:Mark Makowski (Author)TAPAS Contributor:Aaron Mauro (Contributor)Contributor:Mark Makowski (Encoder and Editor)Aaron Mauro (Instructor)Imprint:Mark Makowski Penn State Behrend Digital Humanities Lab 4701 Jordan Rd Erie, PA 16563Type of resource:TextGenre:Texts (document genres)TAPAS Timeline Date:2018-08-28T00:00:00 Files TEI File: IBM.xmlAuxillary Files: wmt.png corr.png corrTab.png IBMMold.png innerOffice.png moldHead.png moldShe.png moldTot.png skMir.png wm.png wmt.png Project Details Collection: Behrend History ProjectSupport File Type: otherography