Poems encoded from the book The Sea by James Oppenheim

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                <title level="a" type="main"> The Sea </title>

            <!-- The following section records information about who is publishing this file. -->
                <publisher>University of Nebraska&#8211;Lincoln</publisher>
                    <name>Center for Digital Research in the Humanities</name>
                        <addrLine>319 Love Library</addrLine>
                        <addrLine>University of Nebraska&#8211;Lincoln</addrLine>
                        <addrLine>Lincoln, NE 68588-4100</addrLine>
                    <p>Copyright &#169; 2019 by Thanhloi Le </p>
                <note type="project"/>

            <!-- This section describes the source, i.e., the document(s) you are encoding. -->

                <bibl> The Sea; 1924 <title level="a">The Sea</title>
                    <author>James Oppenheim</author>
                    <date when="2403">March 1924</date>
                    <!-- Note that @when allows a regularized form of the date -->
                    <publisher>Alfred A. Knoff, INC.</publisher>
                    <pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>
                    <orgName> </orgName>

        <!-- This section records whose hands have been in the file. -->

            <change when="20190402">
                <name>Thanhloi Le</name> Transcribed and encoded a poem </change>

            <ab>THE CUP OF DEW</ab>
            <pb facs=""></pb>
            <lg type="stanza">
                <l>LATE, and lonely, and faint for sleep,</l>
                <l>I yet will pause and have silence,</l>
                <l>That the thirsty one, my soul,</l>
                <l>May open to the night</l>
                <l>And drink the dew...</l>
                <l>I know that the day was wasted, many-tongued.</l>
                <l>In noise and dust I stifled:</l>
                <l>Over me passed a wind of words, and the world reeled.</l>
                <l>But now I am alone...</l>
                <l>Now space, and silence, and my body and I</l>
                <l>Bathed in beloved night..</l>
                <l>Dew of the stars and of the ether and earth,</l>
                <l>Dew of my soul,</l>
                <l>Fall into the cup of my beseeching hands,</l>
                <l>That I may put thee to my lips</l>
                <l>And drink the waters of great healing</l>
The Sea 2019 University of Nebraska–Lincoln Center for Digital Research in the Humanities
319 Love Library University of Nebraska–Lincoln Lincoln, NE 68588-4100

Copyright © 2019 by Thanhloi Le

The Sea; 1924 The Sea James Oppenheim March 1924 Alfred A. Knoff, INC. New York

Thanhloi Le Transcribed and encoded a poem
THE CUP OF DEW view page image(s) LATE, and lonely, and faint for sleep, I yet will pause and have silence, That the thirsty one, my soul, May open to the night And drink the dew... 5 I know that the day was wasted, many-tongued. In noise and dust I stifled: Over me passed a wind of words, and the world reeled. But now I am alone... Now space, and silence, and my body and I 10 Bathed in beloved night.. Dew of the stars and of the ether and earth, Dew of my soul, Fall into the cup of my beseeching hands, That I may put thee to my lips 15 And drink the waters of great healing 208



The Sea 2019 University of Nebraska–Lincoln Center for Digital Research in the Humanities
319 Love Library University of Nebraska–Lincoln Lincoln, NE 68588-4100

Copyright © 2019 by Thanhloi Le

The Sea; 1924 The Sea James Oppenheim March 1924 Alfred A. Knoff, INC. New York

Thanhloi Le Transcribed and encoded a poem
THE CUP OF DEW LATE, and lonely, and faint for sleep, I yet will pause and have silence, That the thirsty one, my soul, May open to the night And drink the dew... I know that the day was wasted, many-tongued. In noise and dust I stifled: Over me passed a wind of words, and the world reeled. But now I am alone... Now space, and silence, and my body and I Bathed in beloved night.. Dew of the stars and of the ether and earth, Dew of my soul, Fall into the cup of my beseeching hands, That I may put thee to my lips And drink the waters of great healing 208