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                <p>Publication Information</p>
                <p>Information about the source</p>
            <div type="emblem" n="e01">
                <pb n="8"/>
                <div type="title" xml:lang="en">
                        <lb/><seg rend="italics">the first <choice><orig>Embleme</orig><reg>Emblem</reg></choice>. Of the Secrets of Nature.</seg>
                        <lb/><del rend="strikethrough"><unclear reason="illegible">4 chars</unclear> </del><subst><del><unclear reason="illegible">1 char</unclear></del><add>W</add></subst>ind <choice><orig>carryed</orig><reg>carried</reg></choice> him in his belly <pc>- - - -</pc>
                <div type="epigram" xml:lang="en">
                    <head rend="italics">the first <choice><orig>Epigramme</orig><reg>Epigram</reg></choice>.</head>
                        <l>If Boreas once expand his windy <choice><orig>wombe</orig><reg>womb</reg></choice>,</l>
                        <l>That <choice><orig>th'</orig><reg>the</reg></choice> Infant in the world alive may come,</l>
                        <l>His <choice><orig>prowesse</orig><reg>prowess</reg></choice> will the Heroes all <choice><orig>outdoe</orig><reg>outdo</reg></choice></l>
                        <l>In art, in hand, in mind, and body too.</l>
                        <l><choice><orig>Thinke</orig><reg>Think</reg></choice> him <choice><orig>noe</orig><reg>no</reg></choice> Cæso, nor abortive brood,</l>
                        <l>Nor yet Agrippa, for his <choice><orig>starre</orig><reg>star</reg></choice> was good.</l>
                <pb n="9"/> 
                <div type="discourse" xml:lang="en">
                    <head rend="italics">Discourse i.</head><note place="margin" hand="1">D Powell 1821</note>
                        <lb/><milestone unit="section" n="e01-01" />Hermes the most industrious inquisitor into every <choice><orig>naturall</orig><reg>natural</reg></choice> secret doth
                        <lb/>in his Smaragdine table elegantly, though concisely, describe the <choice><orig>naturalle</orig><reg>natural</reg></choice> <pc>-</pc>
                        <lb/><choice><orig>worke</orig><reg>work</reg></choice>, where amongst other things <choice><orig>hee</orig><reg>he</reg></choice> sayth: the wind <choice><orig>carrys</orig><reg>carries</reg></choice> him in his <pc>-</pc>
                        <lb/>belly: as if <choice><orig>hee</orig><reg>he</reg></choice> should say, <choice><orig>H<seg rend="underline" hand="2">ee</seg></orig><reg>H<seg rend="underline" hand="2">e</seg></reg></choice>, who<seg rend="underline" hand="2">se father</seg> is <seg rend="underline" hand="2">Sol,</seg> and mo<seg rend="underline" hand="2">ther</seg> L<seg rend="underline" hand="2">una</seg>, <pc>-</pc>
                        <lb/>must, bef<seg rend="underline" hand="2">ore <choice><orig>hee</orig><reg>he</reg></choice></seg> ca<seg rend="underline" hand="2">n be</seg> brou<seg rend="underline" hand="2">ght</seg> to li<seg rend="underline" hand="2">ght,</seg> be <choice><orig>c<seg rend="underline" hand="2">arryed</seg></orig><reg>c<seg rend="underline" hand="2">arried</seg></reg></choice> by wi<seg rend="underline" hand="2">ndy</seg> fu<seg rend="underline" hand="2">mes,</seg> <seg rend="underline" hand="2">even</seg>
                        <lb/>a<seg rend="underline" hand="2">s a</seg> bird is <seg rend="underline" hand="2">caryed<choice><orig></orig><reg>carried</reg></choice> by</seg> the <seg rend="underline" hand="2"><choice><orig>aire</orig><reg>air</reg></choice>, w</seg>hen it <choice><orig>flyes</orig><reg>flies</reg></choice>: <milestone unit="section" n="e01-02" /><seg rend="underline" hand="2">now</seg> <seg rend="underline" hand="2">from</seg> fu<seg rend="underline" hand="2">mes</seg> or w<seg rend="underline" hand="2">inds</seg>, (which
                        <lb/>are nothing <choice><orig>els</orig><reg>else</reg></choice> but <choice><orig>aire</orig><reg>air</reg></choice> moved) <seg rend="underline" hand="2">coagulated is produced water</seg>, <seg rend="underline" hand="2">from which mixed</seg>
                        <lb/><seg rend="underline" hand="2">with earth </seg><choice><orig>doe</orig><reg>do</reg></choice> pr<seg rend="underline" hand="2">oceed all <choice><orig>mineralls</orig><reg>minerals</reg></choice> and <choice><orig>metalls</orig><reg>metals</reg></choice></seg>: <milestone unit="section" n="e01-03" />Yea these very things are
                        <lb/>determined to consist and be <choice><orig>imediately</orig><reg>immediately</reg></choice> coagulated of fumes: whether <pc>-</pc>
                        <lb/>therefore it be ascribed to water or fume, the thing is the same, because
                        <lb/>they are both the matter of wind: <milestone unit="section" n="e01-04" />the same may be <choice><orig>sayd</orig><reg>said</reg></choice> of <choice><orig>mineralls</orig><reg>minerals</reg></choice> <pc>-</pc>
                        <lb/>and <choice><orig>metalls</orig><reg>metals</reg></choice>, though more remotely: now the <choice><orig>quæstion</orig><reg>question</reg></choice> is; <seg rend="underline" hand="2">who</seg> <seg rend="underline" hand="2"><choice><orig>hee</orig><reg>he</reg></choice> is</seg>, that <pc>-</pc>
                        <lb/>ought to be <choice><orig>carryd</orig><reg>carried</reg></choice> by wind? <milestone unit="section" n="e01-05" />I answer, Chymically, it is <seg rend="underline" hand="2">Sulphur</seg>, <seg rend="underline" hand="2">which i</seg>s <pc>-</pc>
                        <lb/><seg rend="underline" hand="2"><choice><orig>carryd</orig><reg>carried</reg></choice> in Argent vive</seg>, as Lully in his <choice><orig>booke</orig><reg>book</reg></choice>, Chapt 32 attests, and <choice><orig>alle</orig><reg>all</reg></choice> the <pc>-</pc><note place="margin">Lully there. <lb/>The wind <choice><orig>carryes</orig><reg>carries</reg></choice> <lb/>him in his belly, that <lb/>is, Sulphur is <choice><orig>carryd</orig><reg>carried</reg></choice> <lb/>in ☿. and Chap. 47. <lb/>The Stone is fire <pc>-</pc><lb/><choice><orig>carryd</orig><reg>carried</reg></choice> in the belly <pc>-</pc><lb/>of aire<pc>. . . . .</pc></note>
                        <lb/>rest; physically, it is an infant, which ought in a little time to be <choice><orig>borne</orig><reg>born</reg></choice> into
                        <lb/>the world: I say <choice><orig>allso</orig><reg>also</reg></choice> Arithmetically, that it is the root of a Cube; Musically,
                        <lb/>that it is the Disdiapason; Geometrically, that it is a punctum the <choice><orig>begining</orig><reg>beginning</reg></choice>
                        <lb/>of a running line; Astronomically, the center of the planets, <choice><orig>Saturne</orig><reg>Saturn</reg></choice>,
                        <lb/>Jupiter, and Mars: <milestone unit="section" n="e01-06" />though these be different subjects, yet if they be <pc>-</pc>
                        <lb/>well <choice><orig>compard</orig><reg>compared</reg></choice> together, they will easily demonstrate the offspring of wind,
                        <lb/>which must be left to every mans industry more or <choice><orig>lesse</orig><reg>less</reg></choice>. <milestone unit="section" n="e01-07" />But I indigitate
                        <lb/>the matter more plainly thus: ev<seg rend="underline" hand="2">ery Mercury is compounded of fumes,</seg> <pc>-</pc>
                        <lb/><seg rend="underline" hand="2">that is</seg>, o<seg rend="underline" hand="2">f water elevating earth with it into an airy rarit</seg>y, <seg rend="underline" hand="2">and of earth</seg>
                        <lb/><seg rend="underline" hand="2">forcing <choice><orig>aire</orig><reg>air</reg></choice> to</seg> <seg rend="underline" hand="2"><choice><orig>returne</orig><reg>return</reg></choice> into a <choice><orig>watry</orig><reg>watery</reg></choice> earth</seg> or <seg rend="underline" hand="2">earthy water:</seg> <milestone unit="section" n="e01-08" />for <seg rend="underline" hand="2">the Ele</seg>
                        <lb break="no"/><seg rend="underline" hand="2">ments being <choice><orig>alltogether</orig><reg>altogether</reg></choice> in it,</seg> and mixed, and subdued and re<seg rend="underline" hand="2">duced together</seg>
                        <lb/><seg rend="underline" hand="2">into a viscous nature,</seg> th<seg rend="underline" hand="2">ey <choice><orig>doe</orig><reg>do</reg></choice> not easily recede one from the other</seg>, <hi rend="superscript">1</hi>but
                        <lb/><hi rend="superscript">3</hi>either <hi rend="superscript">5</hi>the <hi rend="superscript">6</hi>volatile <hi rend="superscript">2</hi><choice><orig>doe</orig><reg>do</reg></choice> <hi rend="superscript">4</hi>follow <hi rend="superscript">7</hi>above, <hi rend="superscript">8</hi>or <choice><orig>remayne</orig><reg>remain</reg></choice> below with the fixed, the
                        <lb/>first whereof is evident in <choice><orig>coḿon</orig><reg>common</reg></choice> Mercury, the other in the <choice><orig>Philosophicall</orig><reg>Philosophical</reg></choice>
                        <lb/>and fixed <choice><orig>metalls</orig><reg>metals</reg></choice>: in these the fixed Elements <choice><orig>doe</orig><reg>do</reg></choice> <choice><orig>prædominate</orig><reg>predominate</reg></choice> <add hand="2">over</add> the volatile,
                        <lb/>in <seg rend="underline" hand="2"><hi rend="superscript">^</hi>that</seg> the volatile oversway the fixed: <milestone unit="section" n="e01-09" />nor indeed is it without reason, that <pc>-</pc>
                        <lb/>Mercury is <choice><orig>calld</orig><reg>called</reg></choice> and reputed the messenger, interpreter, and as it were the
                        <lb/>running intermediate minister of the other Gods, with wings fitted to his
                        <lb/>head and feet: for <choice><orig>hee</orig><reg>he</reg></choice> is windy, and <choice><orig>flyes</orig><reg>flies</reg></choice> through the <choice><orig>aire</orig><reg>air</reg></choice> as wind <choice><orig>itselfe</orig><reg>itself</reg></choice>,
                        <lb/>as is <choice><orig>coḿonly</orig><reg>commonly</reg></choice> and really confirmed to the damage of many men; <milestone unit="section" n="e01-10" />but car
                        <lb break="no"/>rying a white wand girt with two Serpents <choice><orig>crossewise</orig><reg>crosswise</reg></choice>, which can draw <choice><orig>soules</orig><reg>souls</reg></choice>
                        <lb/>out of <choice><orig>bodyes</orig><reg>bodies</reg></choice>, and bring them <choice><orig>backe</orig><reg>back</reg></choice> <choice><orig>againe</orig><reg>again</reg></choice>, and <choice><orig>doe</orig><reg>do</reg></choice> many such contrary
                        <lb/>things, <choice><orig>hee</orig><reg>he</reg></choice> exquisitely <choice><orig>repræsents</orig><reg>represents</reg></choice> the <choice><orig>Philosophicall</orig><reg>Philosophical</reg></choice> Mercury. <milestone unit="section" n="e01-11" />Mercury there
                        <lb break="no"/>fore is wind, which takes Sulphur or Dionysius, or, if you had rather, <choice><orig>Æscu
                        <lb/>lapius</orig><reg>Aesculapius</reg></choice>, beging yet an imperfect Embryo, out of the mothers belly, or even out<note place="margin" hand="2">becomes Volatile</note>
                        <lb/>of the ashes of the mothers body burned, and <choice><orig>carryes</orig><reg>carries</reg></choice> it thither, where it <pc>-</pc>
                        <lb/>may <seg rend="underline" hand="2">be matured</seg>; <milestone unit="section" n="e01-12" />and the Embryo is Sulphur, which is infused into <pc>-</pc><note place="margin" hand="2">digested &amp; fix'd</note>
                        <lb/>the belly of Boreas by the <choice><orig>cælestiall</orig><reg>celestial</reg></choice> <choice><orig>Sunne</orig><reg>Sun</reg></choice>, that <choice><orig>hee</orig><reg>he</reg></choice> may bring it <pc>-</pc>
                        <lb/>forth being matured, who in the <choice><orig>compleat</orig><reg>complete</reg></choice> time of his <choice><orig>cariage</orig><reg>carriage</reg></choice> <choice><orig>produceth</orig><reg>produces</reg></choice><pc>-</pc><note place="margin" hand="2">the White &amp; <unclear reason="illegible">reddish</unclear>
                            <lb/><unclear reason="illegible">or</unclear> 🜍</note>
                        <lb/>twins, one with w<seg rend="underline" hand="2">hite <choice><orig>haire</orig><reg>hair</reg></choice></seg>, called Calais, the other with <seg rend="underline" hand="2">red</seg>, named<note place="margin" hand="2">x a</note>
                        <lb/>Zethe: <milestone unit="section" n="e01-13" />these <choice><orig>Sonns</orig><reg>Sons</reg></choice> of Boreas were (as Orpheus the <choice><orig>Chymicall</orig><reg>Chymical</reg></choice> poet writes)
                        <pb n="10"/><fw rend="italics">Discourse <choice><orig><seg rend="underline">i</seg></orig><reg>I</reg></choice>.</fw>
                        <lb/>with Jason among the Argonauts to carry away the golden fleece from Col
                        <lb break="no"/>chos: and P<seg rend="underline" hand="2">hineus</seg> the blind Prophet, infested by the <seg rend="underline" hand="2"><choice><orig>Harpyes</orig><reg>Harpies</reg></choice></seg>, could not be<note place="margin" hand="2"><unclear reason="illegible">Black </unclear></note>
                        <lb/>freed, but by the <choice><orig>sayd</orig><reg>said</reg></choice> <choice><orig>Sonns</orig><reg>sons</reg></choice> of Boreas, for which <choice><orig>benefitt</orig><reg>benefit</reg></choice> obtained from <pc>-</pc>
                        <lb/>them, <choice><orig>hee</orig><reg>he</reg></choice>, being <choice><orig>gratefull</orig><reg>grateful</reg></choice>, declared the whole manner of the way to the
                        <lb/>Argonauts: <milestone unit="section" n="e01-14" />But t<seg rend="underline" hand="2">he <choice><orig>Harpyes</orig><reg>Harpies</reg></choice> are</seg> <choice><orig>noe</orig><reg>no</reg></choice> other, than cor<seg rend="underline" hand="2">rupting Sulphu</seg>r, w<seg rend="underline" hand="2">hich</seg>
                        <lb/><seg rend="underline" hand="2">is driven away by the <choice><orig>Sonns</orig><reg>sons</reg></choice> of Boreas</seg>, having <choice><orig>attaind</orig><reg>attained</reg></choice> to full age, and of a
                        <lb/>thing imperfect or molested with noxious birds is made perfect, not sub
                        <lb break="no"/>ject to that <choice><orig>evill</orig><reg>evil</reg></choice>, which then <choice><orig>shews</orig><reg>shows</reg></choice> to Jason the <choice><orig>Physitian</orig><reg>Physician</reg></choice> the way to
                        <lb/><choice><orig>obtaine</orig><reg>obtain</reg></choice> the golden fleece. <milestone unit="section" n="e01-15" />These winds our countryman Basill amongst
                        <lb/>others <choice><orig>allso</orig><reg>also</reg></choice> takes notice of, and plainly <choice><orig>sayth</orig><reg>says</reg></choice>: <subst><del>The</del><add><seg rend="underline" hand="2">A double</seg></add></subst><seg rend="underline" hand="2">wind</seg> ought to <subst><del>come</del><add>arise</add></subst>;<note place="margin" hand="2">absurdly described</note>
                        <lb/><del>that</del>called Vulturnus, and <subst><del>after that one</del><add>; then a single wind</add></subst>, ca<seg rend="underline" hand="2">lled Notu</seg>s, which <subst><del>must</del><add>will</add></subst>blow<note place="margin" hand="2">Naaman comes <lb/>from the north</note>
                        <lb/>from the East and South impetuously, whose motion ceasing, <choice><orig>soe</orig><reg>so</reg></choice> as wa
                        <lb break="no"/>ter to be made of <choice><orig>aire</orig><reg>air</reg></choice>, you <subst><del>may</del><add>will</add></subst>confidently <choice><orig>beleive</orig><reg>believe</reg></choice>, th<seg rend="underline" hand="2">at a <choice><orig>corporall</orig><reg>corporal</reg></choice></seg> <pc>-</pc>
                        <lb/><seg rend="underline" hand="2">thing will be made of a <choice><orig>spirituall</orig><reg>spiritual</reg></choice></seg>. <milestone unit="section" n="e01-16" />And Ripley gate 8. <choice><orig>sayth</orig><reg>says</reg></choice>, that <pc>-</pc>
                        <lb/>our Infant ought to be <choice><orig>borne</orig><reg>born</reg></choice> <choice><orig>againe</orig><reg>again</reg></choice> in <choice><orig>aire</orig><reg>air</reg></choice>, that is, in the belly of
                        <lb/>wind: <milestone unit="section" n="e01-17" /><choice><orig>Sayth</orig><reg>Says</reg></choice> Scala Philosophorum, degree 6. after the same sense thus:
                        <lb/>You must know that the <choice><orig>Sonne</orig><reg>Son</reg></choice> of the wise is <choice><orig>borne</orig><reg>born</reg></choice> in the <choice><orig>aire</orig><reg>air</reg></choice>: <milestone unit="section" n="e01-18" />and
                        <lb/>degree 8: Airy Spirits ascending together into the <choice><orig>aire</orig><reg>air</reg></choice> <choice><orig>doe</orig><reg>do</reg></choice> love <subst><del>them</del><add>one<pc rend="double-hyphen">-</pc></add></subst>
                        <lb/><subst><del>selves</del><add>another</add></subst>, as Hermes <choice><orig>sayth</orig><reg>says</reg></choice>, the wind <choice><orig>carryd</orig><reg>carried</reg></choice> him in its belly: because <pc>-</pc>
                        <lb/>the generation of our <choice><orig>Sonne</orig><reg>Son</reg></choice> is made in the <choice><orig>aire</orig><reg>air</reg></choice>, and being <choice><orig>borne</orig><reg>born</reg></choice> <pc>-</pc>
                        <lb/>in the <choice><orig>aire</orig><reg>air</reg></choice> is <choice><orig>borne</orig><reg>born</reg></choice> wisely: for <choice><orig>hee</orig><reg>he</reg></choice> ascends from earth to heaven, and
                        <lb/><choice><orig>againe</orig><reg>again</reg></choice> descends to earth acquiring both the <choice><orig>superiour</orig><reg>superior</reg></choice> and <choice><orig>inferiour</orig><reg>inferior</reg></choice>
                        <lb/>virtue. <pc>- - - - - - - - - - - - -</pc>


Publication Information

Information about the source

the first Embleme Emblem . Of the Secrets of Nature. 4 chars 1 char W ind carryed carried him in his belly - - - -
the first Epigramme Epigram . If Boreas once expand his windy wombe womb , That th' the Infant in the world alive may come, His prowesse prowess will the Heroes all outdoe outdo In art, in hand, in mind, and body too. Thinke Think him noe no Cæso, nor abortive brood, 5 Nor yet Agrippa, for his starre star was good.
Discourse i.1 D Powell 1821 Hermes the most industrious inquisitor into every naturall natural secret doth in his Smaragdine table elegantly, though concisely, describe the naturalle natural - worke work , where amongst other things hee he sayth: the wind carrys carries him in his - belly: as if hee he should say, Hee He , whose father is Sol, and mother Luna, - must, before hee he can be brought to light, be carryed carried by windy fumes, even as a bird is caryed carried by the aire air , when it flyes flies : now from fumes or winds, (which are nothing els else but aire air moved) coagulated is produced water, from which mixed with earth doe do proceed all mineralls minerals and metalls metals : Yea these very things are determined to consist and be imediately immediately coagulated of fumes: whether - therefore it be ascribed to water or fume, the thing is the same, because they are both the matter of wind: the same may be sayd said of mineralls minerals - and metalls metals , though more remotely: now the quæstion question is; who hee he is, that - ought to be carryd carried by wind? I answer, Chymically, it is Sulphur, which is - carryd carried in Argent vive, as Lully in his booke book , Chapt 32 attests, and alle all the -2 Lully there. The wind carryes carries him in his belly, that is, Sulphur is carryd carried in ☿. and Chap. 47. The Stone is fire - carryd carried in the belly - of aire. . . . . rest; physically, it is an infant, which ought in a little time to be borne born into the world: I say allso also Arithmetically, that it is the root of a Cube; Musically, that it is the Disdiapason; Geometrically, that it is a punctum the begining beginning of a running line; Astronomically, the center of the planets, Saturne Saturn , Jupiter, and Mars: though these be different subjects, yet if they be - well compard compared together, they will easily demonstrate the offspring of wind, which must be left to every mans industry more or lesse less . But I indigitate the matter more plainly thus: every Mercury is compounded of fumes, - that is, of water elevating earth with it into an airy rarity, and of earth forcing aire air to returne return into a watry watery earth or earthy water: for the Ele ments being alltogether altogether in it, and mixed, and subdued and reduced together into a viscous nature, they doe do not easily recede one from the other, 1but 3either 5the 6volatile 2 doe do 4follow 7above, 8or remayne remain below with the fixed, the first whereof is evident in coḿon common Mercury, the other in the Philosophicall Philosophical and fixed metalls metals : in these the fixed Elements doe do prædominate predominate over the volatile, in ^that the volatile oversway the fixed: nor indeed is it without reason, that - Mercury is calld called and reputed the messenger, interpreter, and as it were the running intermediate minister of the other Gods, with wings fitted to his head and feet: for hee he is windy, and flyes flies through the aire air as wind itselfe itself , as is coḿonly commonly and really confirmed to the damage of many men; but car rying a white wand girt with two Serpents crossewise crosswise , which can draw soules souls out of bodyes bodies , and bring them backe back againe again , and doe do many such contrary things, hee he exquisitely repræsents represents the Philosophicall Philosophical Mercury. Mercury there fore is wind, which takes Sulphur or Dionysius, or, if you had rather, Æscu lapius Aesculapius , beging yet an imperfect Embryo, out of the mothers belly, or even out3 becomes Volatile of the ashes of the mothers body burned, and carryes carries it thither, where it - may be matured; and the Embryo is Sulphur, which is infused into -4 digested & fix'd the belly of Boreas by the cælestiall celestial Sunne Sun , that hee he may bring it - forth being matured, who in the compleat complete time of his cariage carriage produceth produces -5 the White & reddish or 🜍 twins, one with white haire hair , called Calais, the other with red, named6 x a Zethe: these Sonns Sons of Boreas were (as Orpheus the Chymicall Chymical poet writes) Discourse i I . with Jason among the Argonauts to carry away the golden fleece from Col chos: and Phineus the blind Prophet, infested by the Harpyes Harpies , could not be7 Black freed, but by the sayd said Sonns sons of Boreas, for which benefitt benefit obtained from - them, hee he , being gratefull grateful , declared the whole manner of the way to the Argonauts: But the Harpyes Harpies are noe no other, than corrupting Sulphur, which is driven away by the Sonns sons of Boreas, having attaind attained to full age, and of a thing imperfect or molested with noxious birds is made perfect, not sub ject to that evill evil , which then shews shows to Jason the Physitian Physician the way to obtaine obtain the golden fleece. These winds our countryman Basill amongst others allso also takes notice of, and plainly sayth says : The A double wind ought to come arise ;8 absurdly described thatcalled Vulturnus, and after that one ; then a single wind , called Notus, which must will blow9 Naaman comes from the north from the East and South impetuously, whose motion ceasing, soe so as wa ter to be made of aire air , you may will confidently beleive believe , that a corporall corporal - thing will be made of a spirituall spiritual . And Ripley gate 8. sayth says , that - our Infant ought to be borne born againe again in aire air , that is, in the belly of wind: Sayth Says Scala Philosophorum, degree 6. after the same sense thus: You must know that the Sonne Son of the wise is borne born in the aire air : and degree 8: Airy Spirits ascending together into the aire air doe do love them one- selves another , as Hermes sayth says , the wind carryd carried him in its belly: because - the generation of our Sonne Son is made in the aire air , and being borne born - in the aire air is borne born wisely: for hee he ascends from earth to heaven, and againe again descends to earth acquiring both the superiour superior and inferiour inferior virtue. - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Publication Information

Information about the source

the first Embleme Emblem . Of the Secrets of Nature. 4 chars 1 char W ind carryed carried him in his belly - - - -
the first Epigramme Epigram . If Boreas once expand his windy wombe womb , That th' the Infant in the world alive may come, His prowesse prowess will the Heroes all outdoe outdo In art, in hand, in mind, and body too. Thinke Think him noe no Cæso, nor abortive brood, Nor yet Agrippa, for his starre star was good.
Discourse i. D Powell 1821 Hermes the most industrious inquisitor into every naturall natural secret doth in his Smaragdine table elegantly, though concisely, describe the naturalle natural - worke work , where amongst other things hee he sayth: the wind carrys carries him in his - belly: as if hee he should say, Hee He , whose father is Sol, and mother Luna, - must, before hee he can be brought to light, be carryed carried by windy fumes, even as a bird is caryed carried by the aire air , when it flyes flies : now from fumes or winds, (which are nothing els else but aire air moved) coagulated is produced water, from which mixed with earth doe do proceed all mineralls minerals and metalls metals : Yea these very things are determined to consist and be imediately immediately coagulated of fumes: whether - therefore it be ascribed to water or fume, the thing is the same, because they are both the matter of wind: the same may be sayd said of mineralls minerals - and metalls metals , though more remotely: now the quæstion question is; who hee he is, that - ought to be carryd carried by wind? I answer, Chymically, it is Sulphur, which is - carryd carried in Argent vive, as Lully in his booke book , Chapt 32 attests, and alle all the - Lully there. The wind carryes carries him in his belly, that is, Sulphur is carryd carried in ☿. and Chap. 47. The Stone is fire - carryd carried in the belly - of aire. . . . . rest; physically, it is an infant, which ought in a little time to be borne born into the world: I say allso also Arithmetically, that it is the root of a Cube; Musically, that it is the Disdiapason; Geometrically, that it is a punctum the begining beginning of a running line; Astronomically, the center of the planets, Saturne Saturn , Jupiter, and Mars: though these be different subjects, yet if they be - well compard compared together, they will easily demonstrate the offspring of wind, which must be left to every mans industry more or lesse less . But I indigitate the matter more plainly thus: every Mercury is compounded of fumes, - that is, of water elevating earth with it into an airy rarity, and of earth forcing aire air to returne return into a watry watery earth or earthy water: for the Ele ments being alltogether altogether in it, and mixed, and subdued and reduced together into a viscous nature, they doe do not easily recede one from the other, 1but 3either 5the 6volatile 2 doe do 4follow 7above, 8or remayne remain below with the fixed, the first whereof is evident in coḿon common Mercury, the other in the Philosophicall Philosophical and fixed metalls metals : in these the fixed Elements doe do prædominate predominate over the volatile, in ^that the volatile oversway the fixed: nor indeed is it without reason, that - Mercury is calld called and reputed the messenger, interpreter, and as it were the running intermediate minister of the other Gods, with wings fitted to his head and feet: for hee he is windy, and flyes flies through the aire air as wind itselfe itself , as is coḿonly commonly and really confirmed to the damage of many men; but car rying a white wand girt with two Serpents crossewise crosswise , which can draw soules souls out of bodyes bodies , and bring them backe back againe again , and doe do many such contrary things, hee he exquisitely repræsents represents the Philosophicall Philosophical Mercury. Mercury there fore is wind, which takes Sulphur or Dionysius, or, if you had rather, Æscu lapius Aesculapius , beging yet an imperfect Embryo, out of the mothers belly, or even outbecomes Volatile of the ashes of the mothers body burned, and carryes carries it thither, where it - may be matured; and the Embryo is Sulphur, which is infused into - digested & fix'd the belly of Boreas by the cælestiall celestial Sunne Sun , that hee he may bring it - forth being matured, who in the compleat complete time of his cariage carriage produceth produces - the White & reddish or 🜍 twins, one with white haire hair , called Calais, the other with red, namedx a Zethe: these Sonns Sons of Boreas were (as Orpheus the Chymicall Chymical poet writes) Discourse i I . with Jason among the Argonauts to carry away the golden fleece from Col chos: and Phineus the blind Prophet, infested by the Harpyes Harpies , could not be Black freed, but by the sayd said Sonns sons of Boreas, for which benefitt benefit obtained from - them, hee he , being gratefull grateful , declared the whole manner of the way to the Argonauts: But the Harpyes Harpies are noe no other, than corrupting Sulphur, which is driven away by the Sonns sons of Boreas, having attaind attained to full age, and of a thing imperfect or molested with noxious birds is made perfect, not sub ject to that evill evil , which then shews shows to Jason the Physitian Physician the way to obtaine obtain the golden fleece. These winds our countryman Basill amongst others allso also takes notice of, and plainly sayth says : The A double wind ought to come arise ;absurdly described thatcalled Vulturnus, and after that one ; then a single wind , called Notus, which must will blowNaaman comes from the north from the East and South impetuously, whose motion ceasing, soe so as wa ter to be made of aire air , you may will confidently beleive believe , that a corporall corporal - thing will be made of a spirituall spiritual . And Ripley gate 8. sayth says , that - our Infant ought to be borne born againe again in aire air , that is, in the belly of wind: Sayth Says Scala Philosophorum, degree 6. after the same sense thus: You must know that the Sonne Son of the wise is borne born in the aire air : and degree 8: Airy Spirits ascending together into the aire air doe do love them one- selves another , as Hermes sayth says , the wind carryd carried him in its belly: because - the generation of our Sonne Son is made in the aire air , and being borne born - in the aire air is borne born wisely: for hee he ascends from earth to heaven, and againe again descends to earth acquiring both the superiour superior and inferiour inferior virtue. - - - - - - - - - - - - -