Just a test Vertical Tabs Reader Choose Stylesheet TAPAS GenericTEI BoilerplateXML ViewToggle Soft WrapToggle Invisibles<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml-model href="http://www.tei-c.org/release/xml/tei/custom/schema/relaxng/tei_all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"?> <?xml-model href="http://www.tei-c.org/release/xml/tei/custom/schema/relaxng/tei_all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"?> <TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0"> <teiHeader> <fileDesc> <titleStmt> <title>Translating the English</title> <author> <orgName>TAPAS Project</orgName> </author> <respStmt> <resp>Encoded by, </resp> <persName>EM</persName> </respStmt> </titleStmt> <publicationStmt> <publisher> <orgName>The Class</orgName> </publisher> <address> <addrLine>360 Huntington Avenue</addrLine> <addrLine>Northeastern University</addrLine> <addrLine>Boston, MA 02115</addrLine> </address> <date>2018-02-14</date> <availability> <p>This file is free to download, share, or repurpose for educational and project development purposes.</p> </availability> </publicationStmt> <sourceDesc> <bibl>The other country</bibl> </sourceDesc> </fileDesc> <revisionDesc> <change when="2018-02-13" who="EM">What changed?</change> </revisionDesc> </teiHeader> <text> <body> <lg type="poem.free-verse"><!-- To capture one or more lines of verse, nest 'l' in 'lg'. Like 'div', 'lg' can include '@type=attribute' to declare its type of grouping; in this example, 'poem.sonnet-shakespearean' declares the outer most grouping as a poem, composed in style of Sharespearean sonnet. One could declare this as a 'poem' or a 'sonnet,' but we know this to be a Shakespearean sonnet, divided into three 'lg's' with @type='quatrain' and one 'lg' with @type="couplet". (see for more detail on handling poetry: https://www.wwp.northeastern.edu/research/publications/guide/html/verse_wholepoem.html; see for more on @type="attribute" for verse: https://www.wwp.northeastern.edu/research/publications/guide/html/verse_stanzas.html) --> <head>Translating the English</head><!-- 'head' for capturing poem title or stanza heading --> <lg type="poem" n="1" ><!-- @n='attribute' can be used to number/count lg's and individual l's --> <l n="1">Welcome to my country! We have here <persName>Edwina Currie</persName></l> <l n="2">and <orgName>The Sun</orgName> newspaper. Much excitement.</l> <l n="4">Also the weather has been most improving</l> <l n="5">even in February. Daffodils. (Wordsworth. Up North.) If you like</l> <l n="6">Shakespeare or even Opera we have too the Black Market.</l> <l n="7">For two hundred quids we are talking Les Miserables,</l> <l n="8">nods being as good as winks. Don't eat the eggs.</l> <l n="9">Wheel-clamp. Dogs. Vagrants. A tour of our wonderful</l> <l n="10">capital city is not be missed. The Fergie,</l> </lg> </lg> </body> </text> </TEI> Hide page breaks Views diplomatic normalized Translating the English TAPAS Project Encoded by, EM The Class 360 Huntington Avenue Northeastern University Boston, MA 02115 2018-02-14 This file is free to download, share, or repurpose for educational and project development purposes. The other country What changed? Translating the English Welcome to my country! We have here Edwina Currie and The Sun newspaper. Much excitement. Also the weather has been most improving even in February. Daffodils. (Wordsworth. Up North.) If you like Shakespeare or even Opera we have too the Black Market. 5 For two hundred quids we are talking Les Miserables, nods being as good as winks. Don't eat the eggs. Wheel-clamp. Dogs. Vagrants. A tour of our wonderful capital city is not be missed. The Fergie, ToolboxHide page breaks Themes: Default Sleepy Time Terminal Translating the English TAPAS Project Encoded by, EM The Class 360 Huntington Avenue Northeastern University Boston, MA 02115 2018-02-14 This file is free to download, share, or repurpose for educational and project development purposes. The other country What changed? Translating the English Welcome to my country! We have here Edwina Currie and The Sun newspaper. Much excitement. Also the weather has been most improving even in February. Daffodils. (Wordsworth. Up North.) If you like Shakespeare or even Opera we have too the Black Market. For two hundred quids we are talking Les Miserables, nods being as good as winks. Don't eat the eggs. Wheel-clamp. Dogs. Vagrants. A tour of our wonderful capital city is not be missed. The Fergie, Metadata TAPAS Title:test poem 2Title:Translating the EnglishAuthor/Creator:TAPAS Project (Author)Contributor:EM (Encoded by,)Imprint:The Class, 2018-02-14Type of resource:TextGenre:Texts (document genres) Files TEI File: testpoem2.xml Project Details Project: TAPAS CommonsCollection: Public Collection