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        <head><title>Be &#541;e ane luvar</title></head>
          <l>Be ze ane luvar think &#541;e notq &#541;e suld</l>
          <l>Be weill adwysit in &#541;our gouerning </l>
          <l>Be &#541;e notq sa it will on &#541;ow be tauld</l>
          <l>Bewar thairwith for dreid of misdemyng</l>
          <l>Be notq a wreche nor skerche in &#541;our spending</l>
          <l>Be layth alway to do amis or schame</l>
          <l>Be rewlit rytq and keip this doctring</l>
          <l>Be secreit trew incressing of &#541;our name</l>
          <l>Be &#541;e ane lear that is werst of all</l>
          <l>Be &#541;e ane tratlar that i hald als ewill</l>
          <l>Be &#541;e ane ianglar and &#541;e fra vertew fall</l>
          <l>Be nevir mair on to thir vicis thrall</l>
          <l>Be now and ay the maistir of &#541;our will</l>
          <l>Be nevir he that lesing sall proclame</l>
          <l>Be notq of langage qrq &#541;e suld be still</l>
          <l>Be secreit trew incressing of &#541;our name</l>
          <l>Be notq abasit for no wicket tung</l>
          <l>Be notq sa set as i haif said &#541;ow heir</l>
          <l>Be notq sa lerge vnto thir sawis sung be notq our prowd thinkand &#541;e haif no peir</l>
          <l>Be &#541;e so wyis that vderis at &#541;ow leir</l>
          <l>Be nevir he to sklander nor defame</l>
          <l>Be of &#541;orq lufe nor prechorq as a freir</l>
          <l>Be secreit trew incressing of &#541;orq name</l>
          <l><persName corresp="#wm_dunbar">Dumbar</persName></l>
        <head><title>Off luve quhay lyikis to haif ioy or confort</title></head>
          <l>Off luve quhay lyikis to haif ioy or confort</l>
          <l>&#541;e man begin and leir this abc</l>
          <l>Heireftir writtin quha will it rytq repoirt</l>
          <l>First to be courtes wyis gentill and fre</l>
          <l>Lairge honest gentill bayth secreit and preve</l>
          <l>And of him self na vantour as i wene</l>
          <l>Be sobir trew and every day luste</l>
          <l>And quhair thow luvis se thow be senedill sene</l>
          <l>Be notq our hamely in to presens</l>
          <l>Nor &#541;it our wanderand in to secreit wis</l>
          <l>Se all thy deidis be mixt wtq plesance</l>
          <l>And quhen thow maj prophir hir thy serwis</l>
          <l>Paynit notq thy wirdis se thtq thow be notq nis</l>
          <l>Speik notq in termis of clergy</l>
          <l>Vse the to rewlis that may the weill suffis</l>
          <l>And as i trest thair sall the few denny</l>
          <l>My sone qlqlq thow of &#541;owthed hes the flour</l>
          <l>&#541;arnand to be of luvis obserwans</l>
          <l>Alswa cheis the a lusty paramour</l>
          <l>Fulfillit of gudly gouirnance</l>
          <l>Thow &#541;arnand of hir to haif plesans</l>
          <l>Wirk by this counsale that i the gif</l>
          <l>Tak tent to this lair be ay leill to thi luf (and trew)</l>
          <l>Gif that i sall the wis the narrest way</l>
          <l>Be notq lang out of hir presens</l>
          <l>Certis it is suth i hard men say</l>
          <l>Is no thing hinderand moir than lang absens</l>
          <l>Be notq of wirdis our grit perfluens</l>
          <l>Nor &#541;it of langage aw thair lest</l>
          <l>In myddill way thi tung be ay nurest</l>
          <l>Se for na thing that thow abasid be</l>
          <l>In the begynnyng thotq scho wer nevir so nys</l>
          <l>On the first day and the kepar be sle</l>
          <l>Ane castell is notq ay win be geperdys</l>
          <l>Clayth is notq haldin at the first prys</l>
          <l>I say for me lat ilk man say qtq thai list</l>
          <l>Quhay weill abidis is abill to speid best</l>
          <l>Gif mony luvaris thi lady will persew</l>
          <l>Swa at thow leif notq in iolesy</l>
          <l>Scho is the bettir swa that scho be trew</l>
          <l>Non wald hir luve war scho notq womanly</l>
          <l>Repair notq till hir ay oppinly</l>
          <l>Bot in all tyme be reddy hir to pleis</l>
          <l>Howbeit thi hairt thow think sumtyme at weis</l>
          <l>Be notq a vantour gif thow thinkis to speid</l>
          <l>Ffor that is haittit of wemen at our all thing</l>
          <l>Harche notq se thow haif no dreid</l>
          <l>Gif thow hir luf thow man mak sum conking</l>
          <l>Ffor harchenes dois grit hindering</l>
          <l>Howeit for luf thtq thow wald almaist de</l>
          <l>Bot reveling mone be first in the</l>
          <l>Ffair weill sweit sone thow speidis ser now or nevir</l>
          <l>Sen i haif teld the all haill my devys</l>
          <l>Do my counsale and fra it notq dissevir</l>
          <l>Ffor and thow do certis thow art notq wys</l>
          <l>Leif hir notq thotq scho be nevir so he emprys</l>
          <l>Bot ay be gudly to that gay</l>
          <l>Turne thyne intent quhen that scho wrythis away</l>
          <l>Q&#541;q <persName corresp="#mersar">mersar</persName></l>
          <l>Luve preysis but comparesone</l>
          <l>Both gentill sempill generall</l>
          <l>And of fre will gevis waresone</l>
          <l>As fortoun chansis to befall</l>
          <l>Ffor luve makis nobill ladeis thrall</l>
          <l>To bassir men of birth and blud</l>
          <l>So luve garris sobir wemen small</l>
          <l>Get maistrice our grit men of gud</l>
          <l>Fferme luve for fauour feir or feid</l>
          <l>Of riche nor pur to speik suld spair</l>
          <l>For luve to hienes hes no heid</l>
          <l>Nor lychtleis lawlines ane air</l>
          <l>Bot puttis all personis in compair</l>
          <l>This prowerb planely for till preue</l>
          <l>That men and wemen les and mair</l>
          <l>Ar cumd of adame and of eue</l>
          <l>So thotq my lyking wer a leddy</l>
          <l>And i no lord &#541;it notq the les</l>
          <l>Scho suld my serwyce find als reddy</l>
          <l>As duke to duches docht him dres</l>
          <l>Ffor as prowd princely luve expres</l>
          <l>Is to haif souerenitie</l>
          <l>So serwice cumis of sympilnes</l>
          <l>And leilest lufe of law degre</l>
          <l>So luvaris lair no leid suld lak</l>
          <l>A lord to lufe a silly las</l>
          <l>A leddy als for luf to tak</l>
          <l>Ane proper page hir tyme to pas</l>
          <l>Ffor quhy as bricht bene birneist bras</l>
          <l>As siluer wrocht at all dewys</l>
          <l>And als gud drinking out of glas</l>
          <l>As gold thotq gold gif grittar prys</l>
          <l>Suld i presome this sedull schaw</l>
          <l>Or lat me langouris be lamentit</l>
          <l>Na i effrey for feir and aw</l>
          <l> Hir comlie heid be miscontenttit</l>
          <l>I dar notq preis hir to presentit</l>
          <l>Ffor be scho wreth i will notq wowit</l>
          <l>Bot pleis hir prowdens to imprentit</l>
          <l>Scho may persaue sum inglis throw it</l>
          <l>Q <persName corresp="#a_scott">scott</persName></l>
          <l>Sen that i am a presoneir</l>
          <l>Till hir that farest is and best</l>
          <l>I me commend fra &#541;eir till &#541;eir</l>
          <l>In till hir bandoun for to rest</l>
          <l>I govit on that gudliest</l>
          <l>So lang to luk i tuk laseir</l>
          <l> Quhill wes tane wtqouttin test</l>
          <l>And led furtq as a presoneir</l>
          <l>Hir sweit having and fresche bewte</l>
          <l>Hes wondit me but swerd or lance</l>
          <l>With hir to go commandit me</l>
          <l>Ontill the castell of pennance</l>
          <l>I said is this &#541;our gouirnance</l>
          <l>To tak men for thair luking heir </l>
          <l>Bewty sayis &#541;a ser perchance</l>
          <l> &#541;e be my ladeis presoneir</l>
          <l>Thai had me bundin to the &#541;et</l>
          <l>Quhair strangenes had bene portar ay</l>
          <l>And in deliuerit me thairat</l>
          <l>And in thir termis can thai say</l>
          <l>Do wait and lat him notq away</l>
          <l>Quo strangnes vn to the porteir</l>
          <l>Ontill my lady i dar lay</l>
          <l>&#541;e be to pure a presoneir</l>
          <l>Thai kest me in a deip dungeoun</l>
          <l>And fetterit me but lok or cheyne</l>
          <l>The capitane hecht comparesone</l>
          <l>To luke on me he thotq greit deyne</l>
          <l>Thotq i wes wo i durst notq pleyne</l>
          <l>Ffor he had fetterit mony affeir</l>
          <l>Wtq petous voce thus cuth i sene</l>
          <l>Wo is a wofull presoneir</l>
          <l>Langour wes weche vpoun the wall</l>
          <l>That nevir sleipit bot evir wouke </l>
          <l>Scorne wes bourdour in the hall</l>
          <l>And oft on me his babill schuke</l>
          <l>Lukand wtq mony a dengerous luke</l>
          <l>Quhat is he &#541;one that methis ws neir</l>
          <l>&#541;e be to townage be this buke</l>
          <l>To be my ladeis presoneir</l>
          <l>Gud houp rownit in my eir</l>
          <l>And bad me baldlie breve a bill</l>
          <l>Wtq lawlines he suld it beir</l>
          <l>Wtq fair serwice send it hir till</l>
          <l>I wouk and wret hir all my will</l>
          <l>Ffair serwice fur wtqouttin feir</l>
          <l>Sayand till hir wtq wirdis still</l>
          <l> Haif pety of &#541;our presoneir</l>
          <l> Than lawlines to petie went</l>
          <l>And said till hir in termis schort</l>
          <l>Lat we &#541;one presoneir be schent</l>
          <l>Will no man do to ws support</l>
          <l>Gar lay ane sege vnto &#541;one fort</l>
          <l>Than petie said i sall appeir</l>
          <l> Thotq sayis i hecht coim i ourthort</l>
          <l>I houp to lows the presoneir</l>
          <l>Than to battell thai war arreyit all</l>
          <l>And ay the wawart kepit thotq</l>
          <l>Lust bur the benner to the wall</l>
          <l>And bissines the grit gyn brotq</l>
          <l>Skorne cryis out sayis wald &#541;e ocht</l>
          <l>Lust sayis we wald haif entre heir</l>
          <l>Comparisone sayis that is for notq</l>
          <l>&#541;e will notq wyn the presoneir</l>
          <l> Thai thairin schup for to defend</l>
          <l>And thai thairfurtq sail&#541;eit ane hour</l>
          <l>Than bissines the grit gyn bend</l>
          <l>Straik doun the top of the foir tour</l>
          <l>Comparisone began to lour</l>
          <l>And cryit furtq i &#541;ow requeir</l>
          <l>Soft and fair and do fawour</l>
          <l>And tak to &#541;ow the presoneir</l>
          <l>Thai fyrit the &#541;ettis deliuerly</l>
          <l>Wtq faggottis wer grit and huge</l>
          <l>And strangenes quhair that he did ly</l>
          <l>Wes brint in to the porter</l>
          <l>luge Lustely thay lakit bot a iuge</l>
          <l>Sik straikis and stychling wes on steir</l>
          <l>The semeliest wes maid assege</l>
          <l>To quhome that he wes presoneir</l>
          <l>Thrutq skornes nos thai put a prik</l>
          <l>This he wes banist and gat a blek</l>
          <l>Comparisone wes erdit quik</l>
          <l>And langour lap and brak his nek</l>
          <l>Thai sail&#541;eit fast all the fek</l>
          <l>Lust chasit my ladeis chalmirleir</l>
          <l>Gud fame wes drownit in a sek</l>
          <l>Thus ransonit thai the presoneir</l>
          <l>Ffra sklandir hard lust had vndone</l>
          <l>His ennemeis him aganis</l>
          <l>Assemblit ane semely sort full sone</l>
          <l>And rais and rowttit all the planis</l>
          <l>His cusing in the court remanis</l>
          <l>Bot ialous folkis and geangleiris</l>
          <l>And fals invy that no thing lanis</l>
          <l>Blew out on luvis presoneir</l>
          <l>Syne matremony that nobill king</l>
          <l>Was grevit and gadderit ane grit ost</l>
          <l>And all enermit wtqout lesing</l>
          <l>Chest sklander to the west se cost</l>
          <l>Than wes he and his linege lost</l>
          <l>And matremony withowttin weir</l>
          <l>The band of freindschip hes indost</l>
          <l>Betuix bewty and the presoneir</l>
          <l>Be that of eild wes gud famis air</l>
          <l>And cumyne to continwatioun</l>
          <l>And to the court maid his repair</l>
          <l>Quhair matremony than woir the crowne</l>
          <l>He gat ane confirmatioun</l>
          <l>All that his modir aucht but weir</l>
          <l>And baid still as it wes resone</l>
          <l>With bewty and the presoneir</l>
      <div type="listPerson">
          <person xml:id="wm_dunbar">
            <persName>William Dunbar</persName>
              <placeName>1459 or 1460, Scotland</placeName>
              <placeName>by 1530, Scotland</placeName>
          <person xml:id="mersar">
          <person xml:id="a_scott">
            <persName>Alexander Scott</persName>
              <placeName>1520?, Scotland</placeName>
              <placeName>1582/3, Scotland</placeName>
Be ȝe ane luvar Be ze ane luvar think ȝe notq ȝe suld Be weill adwysit in ȝour gouerning Be ȝe notq sa it will on ȝow be tauld Bewar thairwith for dreid of misdemyng Be notq a wreche nor skerche in ȝour spending 5 Be layth alway to do amis or schame Be rewlit rytq and keip this doctring Be secreit trew incressing of ȝour name Be ȝe ane lear that is werst of all 10 Be ȝe ane tratlar that i hald als ewill Be ȝe ane ianglar and ȝe fra vertew fall Be nevir mair on to thir vicis thrall Be now and ay the maistir of ȝour will Be nevir he that lesing sall proclame 15 Be notq of langage qrq ȝe suld be still Be secreit trew incressing of ȝour name Be notq abasit for no wicket tung Be notq sa set as i haif said ȝow heir 20 Be notq sa lerge vnto thir sawis sung be notq our prowd thinkand ȝe haif no peir Be ȝe so wyis that vderis at ȝow leir Be nevir he to sklander nor defame Be of ȝorq lufe nor prechorq as a freir Be secreit trew incressing of ȝorq name 25 Dumbar
Off luve quhay lyikis to haif ioy or confort Off luve quhay lyikis to haif ioy or confort ȝe man begin and leir this abc Heireftir writtin quha will it rytq repoirt First to be courtes wyis gentill and fre Lairge honest gentill bayth secreit and preve 5 And of him self na vantour as i wene Be sobir trew and every day luste And quhair thow luvis se thow be senedill sene Be notq our hamely in to presens 10 Nor ȝit our wanderand in to secreit wis Se all thy deidis be mixt wtq plesance And quhen thow maj prophir hir thy serwis Paynit notq thy wirdis se thtq thow be notq nis Speik notq in termis of clergy 15 Vse the to rewlis that may the weill suffis And as i trest thair sall the few denny My sone qlqlq thow of ȝowthed hes the flour ȝarnand to be of luvis obserwans 20 Alswa cheis the a lusty paramour Fulfillit of gudly gouirnance Thow ȝarnand of hir to haif plesans Wirk by this counsale that i the gif Tak tent to this lair be ay leill to thi luf (and trew) 25 Gif that i sall the wis the narrest way Be notq lang out of hir presens Certis it is suth i hard men say Is no thing hinderand moir than lang absens 30 Be notq of wirdis our grit perfluens Nor ȝit of langage aw thair lest In myddill way thi tung be ay nurest Se for na thing that thow abasid be 35 In the begynnyng thotq scho wer nevir so nys On the first day and the kepar be sle Ane castell is notq ay win be geperdys Clayth is notq haldin at the first prys I say for me lat ilk man say qtq thai list 40 Quhay weill abidis is abill to speid best Gif mony luvaris thi lady will persew Swa at thow leif notq in iolesy Scho is the bettir swa that scho be trew 45 Non wald hir luve war scho notq womanly Repair notq till hir ay oppinly Bot in all tyme be reddy hir to pleis Howbeit thi hairt thow think sumtyme at weis  50 Be notq a vantour gif thow thinkis to speid Ffor that is haittit of wemen at our all thing Harche notq se thow haif no dreid Gif thow hir luf thow man mak sum conking Ffor harchenes dois grit hindering 55 Howeit for luf thtq thow wald almaist de Bot reveling mone be first in the Ffair weill sweit sone thow speidis ser now or nevir Sen i haif teld the all haill my devys 60 Do my counsale and fra it notq dissevir Ffor and thow do certis thow art notq wys Leif hir notq thotq scho be nevir so he emprys Bot ay be gudly to that gay Turne thyne intent quhen that scho wrythis away 65 Qȝq mersar
Luve preysis but comparesone Both gentill sempill generall And of fre will gevis waresone As fortoun chansis to befall Ffor luve makis nobill ladeis thrall 5 To bassir men of birth and blud So luve garris sobir wemen small Get maistrice our grit men of gud Fferme luve for fauour feir or feid 10 Of riche nor pur to speik suld spair For luve to hienes hes no heid Nor lychtleis lawlines ane air Bot puttis all personis in compair This prowerb planely for till preue 15 That men and wemen les and mair Ar cumd of adame and of eue So thotq my lyking wer a leddy And i no lord ȝit notq the les 20 Scho suld my serwyce find als reddy As duke to duches docht him dres Ffor as prowd princely luve expres Is to haif souerenitie So serwice cumis of sympilnes 25 And leilest lufe of law degre So luvaris lair no leid suld lak A lord to lufe a silly las A leddy als for luf to tak 30 Ane proper page hir tyme to pas Ffor quhy as bricht bene birneist bras As siluer wrocht at all dewys And als gud drinking out of glas As gold thotq gold gif grittar prys 35 Suld i presome this sedull schaw Or lat me langouris be lamentit Na i effrey for feir and aw Hir comlie heid be miscontenttit 40 I dar notq preis hir to presentit Ffor be scho wreth i will notq wowit Bot pleis hir prowdens to imprentit Scho may persaue sum inglis throw it  45 Q scott
Sen that i am a presoneir Till hir that farest is and best I me commend fra ȝeir till ȝeir In till hir bandoun for to rest I govit on that gudliest 5 So lang to luk i tuk laseir Quhill wes tane wtqouttin test And led furtq as a presoneir Hir sweit having and fresche bewte Hes wondit me but swerd or lance 10 With hir to go commandit me Ontill the castell of pennance I said is this ȝour gouirnance To tak men for thair luking heir Bewty sayis ȝa ser perchance 15 ȝe be my ladeis presoneir Thai had me bundin to the ȝet Quhair strangenes had bene portar ay And in deliuerit me thairat And in thir termis can thai say 20 Do wait and lat him notq away Quo strangnes vn to the porteir Ontill my lady i dar lay ȝe be to pure a presoneir Thai kest me in a deip dungeoun 25 And fetterit me but lok or cheyne The capitane hecht comparesone To luke on me he thotq greit deyne Thotq i wes wo i durst notq pleyne Ffor he had fetterit mony affeir 30 Wtq petous voce thus cuth i sene Wo is a wofull presoneir Langour wes weche vpoun the wall That nevir sleipit bot evir wouke Scorne wes bourdour in the hall 35 And oft on me his babill schuke Lukand wtq mony a dengerous luke Quhat is he ȝone that methis ws neir ȝe be to townage be this buke To be my ladeis presoneir 40 Gud houp rownit in my eir And bad me baldlie breve a bill Wtq lawlines he suld it beir Wtq fair serwice send it hir till I wouk and wret hir all my will 45 Ffair serwice fur wtqouttin feir Sayand till hir wtq wirdis still Haif pety of ȝour presoneir Than lawlines to petie went And said till hir in termis schort 50 Lat we ȝone presoneir be schent Will no man do to ws support Gar lay ane sege vnto ȝone fort Than petie said i sall appeir Thotq sayis i hecht coim i ourthort 55 I houp to lows the presoneir Than to battell thai war arreyit all And ay the wawart kepit thotq Lust bur the benner to the wall And bissines the grit gyn brotq 60 Skorne cryis out sayis wald ȝe ocht Lust sayis we wald haif entre heir Comparisone sayis that is for notq ȝe will notq wyn the presoneir Thai thairin schup for to defend 65 And thai thairfurtq sailȝeit ane hour Than bissines the grit gyn bend Straik doun the top of the foir tour Comparisone began to lour And cryit furtq i ȝow requeir 70 Soft and fair and do fawour And tak to ȝow the presoneir Thai fyrit the ȝettis deliuerly Wtq faggottis wer grit and huge And strangenes quhair that he did ly 75 Wes brint in to the porter luge Lustely thay lakit bot a iuge Sik straikis and stychling wes on steir The semeliest wes maid assege To quhome that he wes presoneir 80 Thrutq skornes nos thai put a prik This he wes banist and gat a blek Comparisone wes erdit quik And langour lap and brak his nek Thai sailȝeit fast all the fek 85 Lust chasit my ladeis chalmirleir Gud fame wes drownit in a sek Thus ransonit thai the presoneir Ffra sklandir hard lust had vndone His ennemeis him aganis 90 Assemblit ane semely sort full sone And rais and rowttit all the planis His cusing in the court remanis Bot ialous folkis and geangleiris And fals invy that no thing lanis 95 Blew out on luvis presoneir Syne matremony that nobill king Was grevit and gadderit ane grit ost And all enermit wtqout lesing 100 Chest sklander to the west se cost Than wes he and his linege lost And matremony withowttin weir The band of freindschip hes indost Betuix bewty and the presoneir 105 Be that of eild wes gud famis air And cumyne to continwatioun And to the court maid his repair Quhair matremony than woir the crowne 110 He gat ane confirmatioun All that his modir aucht but weir And baid still as it wes resone With bewty and the presoneir



Be ȝe ane luvar Be ze ane luvar think ȝe notq ȝe suld Be weill adwysit in ȝour gouerning Be ȝe notq sa it will on ȝow be tauld Bewar thairwith for dreid of misdemyng Be notq a wreche nor skerche in ȝour spending Be layth alway to do amis or schame Be rewlit rytq and keip this doctring Be secreit trew incressing of ȝour name Be ȝe ane lear that is werst of all Be ȝe ane tratlar that i hald als ewill Be ȝe ane ianglar and ȝe fra vertew fall Be nevir mair on to thir vicis thrall Be now and ay the maistir of ȝour will Be nevir he that lesing sall proclame Be notq of langage qrq ȝe suld be still Be secreit trew incressing of ȝour name Be notq abasit for no wicket tung Be notq sa set as i haif said ȝow heir Be notq sa lerge vnto thir sawis sung be notq our prowd thinkand ȝe haif no peir Be ȝe so wyis that vderis at ȝow leir Be nevir he to sklander nor defame Be of ȝorq lufe nor prechorq as a freir Be secreit trew incressing of ȝorq name Dumbar
Off luve quhay lyikis to haif ioy or confort Off luve quhay lyikis to haif ioy or confort ȝe man begin and leir this abc Heireftir writtin quha will it rytq repoirt First to be courtes wyis gentill and fre Lairge honest gentill bayth secreit and preve And of him self na vantour as i wene Be sobir trew and every day luste And quhair thow luvis se thow be senedill sene Be notq our hamely in to presens Nor ȝit our wanderand in to secreit wis Se all thy deidis be mixt wtq plesance And quhen thow maj prophir hir thy serwis Paynit notq thy wirdis se thtq thow be notq nis Speik notq in termis of clergy Vse the to rewlis that may the weill suffis And as i trest thair sall the few denny My sone qlqlq thow of ȝowthed hes the flour ȝarnand to be of luvis obserwans Alswa cheis the a lusty paramour Fulfillit of gudly gouirnance Thow ȝarnand of hir to haif plesans Wirk by this counsale that i the gif Tak tent to this lair be ay leill to thi luf (and trew) Gif that i sall the wis the narrest way Be notq lang out of hir presens Certis it is suth i hard men say Is no thing hinderand moir than lang absens Be notq of wirdis our grit perfluens Nor ȝit of langage aw thair lest In myddill way thi tung be ay nurest Se for na thing that thow abasid be In the begynnyng thotq scho wer nevir so nys On the first day and the kepar be sle Ane castell is notq ay win be geperdys Clayth is notq haldin at the first prys I say for me lat ilk man say qtq thai list Quhay weill abidis is abill to speid best Gif mony luvaris thi lady will persew Swa at thow leif notq in iolesy Scho is the bettir swa that scho be trew Non wald hir luve war scho notq womanly Repair notq till hir ay oppinly Bot in all tyme be reddy hir to pleis Howbeit thi hairt thow think sumtyme at weis Be notq a vantour gif thow thinkis to speid Ffor that is haittit of wemen at our all thing Harche notq se thow haif no dreid Gif thow hir luf thow man mak sum conking Ffor harchenes dois grit hindering Howeit for luf thtq thow wald almaist de Bot reveling mone be first in the Ffair weill sweit sone thow speidis ser now or nevir Sen i haif teld the all haill my devys Do my counsale and fra it notq dissevir Ffor and thow do certis thow art notq wys Leif hir notq thotq scho be nevir so he emprys Bot ay be gudly to that gay Turne thyne intent quhen that scho wrythis away Qȝq mersar
Luve preysis but comparesone Both gentill sempill generall And of fre will gevis waresone As fortoun chansis to befall Ffor luve makis nobill ladeis thrall To bassir men of birth and blud So luve garris sobir wemen small Get maistrice our grit men of gud Fferme luve for fauour feir or feid Of riche nor pur to speik suld spair For luve to hienes hes no heid Nor lychtleis lawlines ane air Bot puttis all personis in compair This prowerb planely for till preue That men and wemen les and mair Ar cumd of adame and of eue So thotq my lyking wer a leddy And i no lord ȝit notq the les Scho suld my serwyce find als reddy As duke to duches docht him dres Ffor as prowd princely luve expres Is to haif souerenitie So serwice cumis of sympilnes And leilest lufe of law degre So luvaris lair no leid suld lak A lord to lufe a silly las A leddy als for luf to tak Ane proper page hir tyme to pas Ffor quhy as bricht bene birneist bras As siluer wrocht at all dewys And als gud drinking out of glas As gold thotq gold gif grittar prys Suld i presome this sedull schaw Or lat me langouris be lamentit Na i effrey for feir and aw Hir comlie heid be miscontenttit I dar notq preis hir to presentit Ffor be scho wreth i will notq wowit Bot pleis hir prowdens to imprentit Scho may persaue sum inglis throw it Q scott
Sen that i am a presoneir Till hir that farest is and best I me commend fra ȝeir till ȝeir In till hir bandoun for to rest I govit on that gudliest So lang to luk i tuk laseir Quhill wes tane wtqouttin test And led furtq as a presoneir Hir sweit having and fresche bewte Hes wondit me but swerd or lance With hir to go commandit me Ontill the castell of pennance I said is this ȝour gouirnance To tak men for thair luking heir Bewty sayis ȝa ser perchance ȝe be my ladeis presoneir Thai had me bundin to the ȝet Quhair strangenes had bene portar ay And in deliuerit me thairat And in thir termis can thai say Do wait and lat him notq away Quo strangnes vn to the porteir Ontill my lady i dar lay ȝe be to pure a presoneir Thai kest me in a deip dungeoun And fetterit me but lok or cheyne The capitane hecht comparesone To luke on me he thotq greit deyne Thotq i wes wo i durst notq pleyne Ffor he had fetterit mony affeir Wtq petous voce thus cuth i sene Wo is a wofull presoneir Langour wes weche vpoun the wall That nevir sleipit bot evir wouke Scorne wes bourdour in the hall And oft on me his babill schuke Lukand wtq mony a dengerous luke Quhat is he ȝone that methis ws neir ȝe be to townage be this buke To be my ladeis presoneir Gud houp rownit in my eir And bad me baldlie breve a bill Wtq lawlines he suld it beir Wtq fair serwice send it hir till I wouk and wret hir all my will Ffair serwice fur wtqouttin feir Sayand till hir wtq wirdis still Haif pety of ȝour presoneir Than lawlines to petie went And said till hir in termis schort Lat we ȝone presoneir be schent Will no man do to ws support Gar lay ane sege vnto ȝone fort Than petie said i sall appeir Thotq sayis i hecht coim i ourthort I houp to lows the presoneir Than to battell thai war arreyit all And ay the wawart kepit thotq Lust bur the benner to the wall And bissines the grit gyn brotq Skorne cryis out sayis wald ȝe ocht Lust sayis we wald haif entre heir Comparisone sayis that is for notq ȝe will notq wyn the presoneir Thai thairin schup for to defend And thai thairfurtq sailȝeit ane hour Than bissines the grit gyn bend Straik doun the top of the foir tour Comparisone began to lour And cryit furtq i ȝow requeir Soft and fair and do fawour And tak to ȝow the presoneir Thai fyrit the ȝettis deliuerly Wtq faggottis wer grit and huge And strangenes quhair that he did ly Wes brint in to the porter luge Lustely thay lakit bot a iuge Sik straikis and stychling wes on steir The semeliest wes maid assege To quhome that he wes presoneir Thrutq skornes nos thai put a prik This he wes banist and gat a blek Comparisone wes erdit quik And langour lap and brak his nek Thai sailȝeit fast all the fek Lust chasit my ladeis chalmirleir Gud fame wes drownit in a sek Thus ransonit thai the presoneir Ffra sklandir hard lust had vndone His ennemeis him aganis Assemblit ane semely sort full sone And rais and rowttit all the planis His cusing in the court remanis Bot ialous folkis and geangleiris And fals invy that no thing lanis Blew out on luvis presoneir Syne matremony that nobill king Was grevit and gadderit ane grit ost And all enermit wtqout lesing Chest sklander to the west se cost Than wes he and his linege lost And matremony withowttin weir The band of freindschip hes indost Betuix bewty and the presoneir Be that of eild wes gud famis air And cumyne to continwatioun And to the court maid his repair Quhair matremony than woir the crowne He gat ane confirmatioun All that his modir aucht but weir And baid still as it wes resone With bewty and the presoneir
William Dunbar 1459 or 1460, Scotland by 1530, Scotland Mersar unknown unknown Alexander Scott 1520?, Scotland 1582/3, Scotland