Vertical Tabs Reader Choose Stylesheet TEI BoilerplateXML ViewToggle Soft WrapToggle Invisibles<?xml-model href="" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?> <!-- Remember, that top line is not really a tag. It is a processing instruction that tells the computer that this is an XML file and that it should be validated against a schema online at the TEI web site.--> <TEI xml:id="template.478-878" xmlns=""> <!-- In the above line, change the xml:id to the id of your file: stnic.YYYYMM.001 (the 001 can be changed to 002, etc if we are encoding more than one piece from a particular month) --> <teiHeader> <fileDesc> <titleStmt> <title level="a" type="main">The Sea</title> </titleStmt> <!-- The following section records information about who is publishing this file. --> <editionStmt> <edition> <date>1924</date> </edition> </editionStmt> <publicationStmt> <publisher>University of Nebraska–Lincoln</publisher> <distributor> <name>Center for Digital Research in the Humanities</name> <address> <addrLine>319 Love Library</addrLine> <addrLine>University of Nebraska–Lincoln</addrLine> <addrLine>Lincoln, NE 68588-4100</addrLine> <addrLine></addrLine> </address></distributor> <date>2019</date> <availability> <p>Copyright © 2019 by Anna Crinklaw.</p> </availability> </publicationStmt> <!-- A place to record additional info about the material --> <notesStmt> <note type="project"/> </notesStmt> <!-- This section describes the source, i.e., the document(s) you are encoding. --> <sourceDesc> <bibl> <!-- Insert title and date again here --> <title level="a"><!-- title --></title> <editor/> <!-- Make an author or illustrator line for each one mentioned in the piece. --> <author>James Oppenheim</author> <date when="1924">1924</date> <!-- Note that @when allows a regularized form of the date --> <publisher>Alfred A Knopf</publisher> <orgName> </orgName> </bibl> </sourceDesc> </fileDesc> <encodingDesc> <editorialDecl> <p/> </editorialDecl> </encodingDesc> <!-- This section records whose hands have been in the file. --> <revisionDesc> <change when="20190411"> <name>Anna Crinklaw</name> Transcribed and encoded a poem</change> </revisionDesc> </teiHeader> <!-- START ENCODING DOCUMENT HERE --> <text> <body> <pb/> <ab>ASSURANCE</ab> <lg type="stanza"> <l>YEA, there are as many stars under the Earth as over the <space/><lb/>Earth . . .</l> <l>Plenty of room to roll around in has our planet . . .</l> <l>And I, at the edge of the porch,</l> <l>Hearing the crickets shrill in the star-thick armies of grass,</l> <l>And beholding over the spread of Earth the spread of the <space/><lb/>heavens . . .</l> <l>Drinkl this deep moment in my pilgrimage,</l> <l>With a sense of how forever I have been alive,</l> <l>With a conviction that I shall go on, ever safe, ever growing,</l> <l>The stars to be included in my travels,</l> <l>And the future sure before me.</l> </lg> <ab>243</ab> </body> </text> </TEI> Hide page breaks Views diplomatic normalized The Sea 1924 University of Nebraska–Lincoln Center for Digital Research in the Humanities 319 Love Library University of Nebraska–Lincoln Lincoln, NE 68588-4100 2019 Copyright © 2019 by Anna Crinklaw. James Oppenheim 1924 Alfred A Knopf Anna Crinklaw Transcribed and encoded a poem ASSURANCE YEA, there are as many stars under the Earth as over the Earth . . . Plenty of room to roll around in has our planet . . . And I, at the edge of the porch, Hearing the crickets shrill in the star-thick armies of grass, And beholding over the spread of Earth the spread of the heavens . . . 5 Drinkl this deep moment in my pilgrimage, With a sense of how forever I have been alive, With a conviction that I shall go on, ever safe, ever growing, The stars to be included in my travels, And the future sure before me. 10 243 ToolboxHide page breaks Themes: Default Sleepy Time Terminal The Sea 1924 University of Nebraska–Lincoln Center for Digital Research in the Humanities 319 Love Library University of Nebraska–Lincoln Lincoln, NE 68588-4100 2019 Copyright © 2019 by Anna Crinklaw. James Oppenheim 1924 Alfred A Knopf Anna Crinklaw Transcribed and encoded a poem ASSURANCE YEA, there are as many stars under the Earth as over the Earth . . . Plenty of room to roll around in has our planet . . . And I, at the edge of the porch, Hearing the crickets shrill in the star-thick armies of grass, And beholding over the spread of Earth the spread of the heavens . . . Drinkl this deep moment in my pilgrimage, With a sense of how forever I have been alive, With a conviction that I shall go on, ever safe, ever growing, The stars to be included in my travels, And the future sure before me. 243 Metadata TAPAS Title:AssuranceTitle:The SeaTAPAS Author:Anna Crinklaw (Author)Imprint:1924 - University of Nebraska–Lincoln : Center for Digital Research in the Humanities 319 Love Library University of Nebraska–Lincoln Lincoln, NE 68588-4100, 2019Type of resource:TextGenre:Texts (document genres)TAPAS Timeline Date:2019-04-18T00:00:00 Files TEI File: Assurance.xmlAuxillary Files: Assurance.jpg Project Details Collection: DH project- Poems from The SeaSupport File Type: bibliography