The core TAPAS team met again, this time at a meeting hosted by SHANTI at the University of Virginia’s, on April 25 - 27. While there, members of the team had fruitful interactions with staff from the Scholar’s Lab and from NINES, but the bulk of the time was spent on conducting virtual focus group meetings to get reactions from the greater TAPAS community to a draft of user interface wireframes. The draft, which was organized into three scenarios describing the reading and management interfaces for TAPAS, was circulated to focus group participants in advance of the meeting.
We’ve decided to provided a copy of this draft as a part of this report: click here to take a look. Comments on this draft are welcome; please email them to
In all, we held eleven focus group discussions with ten institutions. One was a face-to-face interview at the University of Virginia and the other interviews were held within a virtual environment. We took extensive notes during the interviews and have summarized the primary issue with some preliminary thoughts about how to address them in this document. Several members of the TAPAS team also began revising the wireframes based on this feedback and developing a glossary of terms to be used in TAPAS. Copies of these documents will soon be posted to this site.
Our next face-to-face meeting will be at Wheaton College and will probably take place in September 2012.
Our thanks to everyone who participated in the focus group discussions. We found this meeting to be extremely productive and could not have done it without all of your help.