1. Editorial Introduction newest

This collection will specifically focus on two accredited and talented poets, Langston Hughes and Claude McKay and their work during the Harlem Renaissance

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            <title>Harlem Renassiance Movement- Living Through Poetry with the Expressions of Real African-American Culture</title>
            <p>Created by Sommers Smith for the purpose of introducing the literature of poetry, through the voices of two respected writers/poets. </p>
            <p>This is an editorial introduction that speaks to the purpose of creating the edition and the history behind the Harlem Renaissance Movement. 
         <p> I fell in love with the Harlem Renaissance movement my juinior year of high school. It was my favorite unit to learn, 
            and it not only had my academic interest but it spoke to me on a cultural level as a woman of color. Besides well known black activists,
            I had't heard about all these great writers and poets of color until I got to high school. It not only intrigued my love for poetry
            but made me see literature in a different light. Learning about the Harlem Renaissance movement created a feeling of pride within
           myself and showed me that people who looked like me weren't just entertainers but artists adding a new tone of expression to literature. </p>
         <p>            </p>
         <p>This collection highlights the underlying messages and themes during the Harlem Renaissance Movement. 
            The Harlem Renaissance movement of literature, music and cultural production began between the 1920s 
            and early 1930s in New York's African-American community. It created a platform for a new style as 
            writers and developing a new sense of black identity, and visual artists (Poetry Foundation). Musicians crafted new ways 
            of the African-American experience and explored different artistic forms, techniques and story telling culture. It was essetially 
            a revolution of free expression through colorful music, literature and businesses My collection will tailor to an audience
            who appreciates the art of poetry during the Harlem Renaissance and those who are interested in the interpretation of these poems, as well as 
            questions for a reader to further their own interpretations.</p> <note> <figure>
               <graphic url="https://www.flickr.com/photos/154123599@N04/40033692270/sizes/l/"/>
         <p>                </p>
         <p>The collection will specifically focus on two accredited and talented poets, Langston Hughes (1902-1967)</p> <note> <figure>
               <graphic url="https://www.flickr.com/photos/154123599@N04/41123777774/sizes/l/"/>
         <p> and Claude McKay (1889-1948)</p><note><figure>
            <graphic url="https://www.flickr.com/photos/154123599@N04/27971679148/sizes/l/"/> </figure></note>  
         <p>who were writers during the 
            Harlem Renaissance Movement. Their poetry highlighted themes and underlying messages regarding the culture of the 
            African-America/ Black community. This collection is an appreciation piece to some of their many works and will dive into their 
            interpretative art of poetry. It will also present their popular works 
            to a new audience, whom may not see the message of African-American poetry and its cultural that often.</p>
         <p>                 </p>
Harlem Renassiance Movement- Living Through Poetry with the Expressions of Real African-American Culture

Created by Sommers Smith for the purpose of introducing the literature of poetry, through the voices of two respected writers/poets.

This is an editorial introduction that speaks to the purpose of creating the edition and the history behind the Harlem Renaissance Movement.

I fell in love with the Harlem Renaissance movement my juinior year of high school. It was my favorite unit to learn, and it not only had my academic interest but it spoke to me on a cultural level as a woman of color. Besides well known black activists, I had't heard about all these great writers and poets of color until I got to high school. It not only intrigued my love for poetry but made me see literature in a different light. Learning about the Harlem Renaissance movement created a feeling of pride within myself and showed me that people who looked like me weren't just entertainers but artists adding a new tone of expression to literature.

This collection highlights the underlying messages and themes during the Harlem Renaissance Movement. The Harlem Renaissance movement of literature, music and cultural production began between the 1920s and early 1930s in New York's African-American community. It created a platform for a new style as writers and developing a new sense of black identity, and visual artists (Poetry Foundation). Musicians crafted new ways of the African-American experience and explored different artistic forms, techniques and story telling culture. It was essetially a revolution of free expression through colorful music, literature and businesses My collection will tailor to an audience who appreciates the art of poetry during the Harlem Renaissance and those who are interested in the interpretation of these poems, as well as questions for a reader to further their own interpretations.


The collection will specifically focus on two accredited and talented poets, Langston Hughes (1902-1967)


and Claude McKay (1889-1948)


who were writers during the Harlem Renaissance Movement. Their poetry highlighted themes and underlying messages regarding the culture of the African-America/ Black community. This collection is an appreciation piece to some of their many works and will dive into their interpretative art of poetry. It will also present their popular works to a new audience, whom may not see the message of African-American poetry and its cultural that often.



Harlem Renassiance Movement- Living Through Poetry with the Expressions of Real African-American Culture

Created by Sommers Smith for the purpose of introducing the literature of poetry, through the voices of two respected writers/poets.

This is an editorial introduction that speaks to the purpose of creating the edition and the history behind the Harlem Renaissance Movement.

I fell in love with the Harlem Renaissance movement my juinior year of high school. It was my favorite unit to learn, and it not only had my academic interest but it spoke to me on a cultural level as a woman of color. Besides well known black activists, I had't heard about all these great writers and poets of color until I got to high school. It not only intrigued my love for poetry but made me see literature in a different light. Learning about the Harlem Renaissance movement created a feeling of pride within myself and showed me that people who looked like me weren't just entertainers but artists adding a new tone of expression to literature.

This collection highlights the underlying messages and themes during the Harlem Renaissance Movement. The Harlem Renaissance movement of literature, music and cultural production began between the 1920s and early 1930s in New York's African-American community. It created a platform for a new style as writers and developing a new sense of black identity, and visual artists (Poetry Foundation). Musicians crafted new ways of the African-American experience and explored different artistic forms, techniques and story telling culture. It was essetially a revolution of free expression through colorful music, literature and businesses My collection will tailor to an audience who appreciates the art of poetry during the Harlem Renaissance and those who are interested in the interpretation of these poems, as well as questions for a reader to further their own interpretations.

The collection will specifically focus on two accredited and talented poets, Langston Hughes (1902-1967)

and Claude McKay (1889-1948)

who were writers during the Harlem Renaissance Movement. Their poetry highlighted themes and underlying messages regarding the culture of the African-America/ Black community. This collection is an appreciation piece to some of their many works and will dive into their interpretative art of poetry. It will also present their popular works to a new audience, whom may not see the message of African-American poetry and its cultural that often.