Letter from Dinah Mulock Craik to Anna Maria Hall, between March and May 1862.

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                <title>Letter from <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#DMC">Dinah Mulock
                        Craik</persName> to <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#HallAnnaMaria">Anna
                        Maria Hall,</persName>
                    <date notBefore="1862-03" notAfter="1862-05" cert="high">between March and May
                <author ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#DMC">Dinah Mulock Craik</author>
                <editor ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#BourrierKaren">Karen Bourrier</editor>
                    <orgName>Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive</orgName>
                <sponsor>University of Calgary</sponsor>
                <principal>Karen Bourrier</principal>
                    <resp>Transcription <date when="2017-04">April 2017</date> by</resp>
                    <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#FukushimaKailey">Kailey Fukushima</persName>
                    <resp>Proofing of transcription <date when="2017-06">June 2017</date> by</resp>
                    <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#AndersonHannah">Hannah Anderson</persName>
                    <resp>TEI encoding <date when="2017-04">April 2017</date> by</resp>
                    <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#FukushimaKailey">Kailey Fukushima</persName>
                    <resp>Proofing of TEI encoding <date when="2017-06">June 2017</date> by</resp>
                    <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#AndersonHannah">Hannah Anderson</persName>
                <edition>First digital edition in TEI, date: <date when="2017-06">June 2017.</date>
                <authority>Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive</authority>
                <pubPlace>Calgary, Alberta, Canada</pubPlace>
                    <p>Reproduced by courtesy of the <placeName>University of California at Los
                    <licence>Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0
                        Unported License</licence>
                <title>Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive</title>
                        <institution>University of California at Los Angeles</institution>
                        <repository>Charles E. Young Research Library</repository>
                        <collection>Mulock Family Papers</collection>
                    <head>Letter from <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#DMC">Dinah Mulock
                            Craik</persName> to <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#HallAnnaMaria"
                            >Anna Maria Hall,</persName>
                        <date notBefore="1862-03" notAfter="1862-05" cert="high">between March and
                            May 1862.</date>
                            <note>Box 2, Folder 13</note>
                <p>Our aim in this edition has been to transcribe the content of the letters as
                    accurately as possible without reproducing the physical appearance of the
                    manuscript. Craik’s spelling, punctuation, underlining, superscripts,
                    abbreviations, additions and deletions are retained, except for words which are
                    hyphenated at the end of a line, which we have silently emended. Where Craik
                    uses a non-standard spelling, we have encoded both her spelling and the standard
                    Oxford English Dictionary spelling to facilitate searching. The long s is not
            <div type="letter">
                    <!--KF: This letter was written sometime after Dinah took out a lease on Wildwood
                     (February 1859) and before Ben's hospitalization and death (July 1863). 1862 is probable but it seems
                     that there is a pretty narrow window when it could have happened. In January 1862, Dinah wrote to her 
                     cousin Elizabeth Lee "I expect Ben will be home this spring – the work is nearly done in Brazil, and they want
                     him in Spain." We have a letter from Ben to Dinah in "Gelo Pajinea" in March 1862 and one from Swansea (Wales) 
                     in October 1862. -->
                    <salute>My dear <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#HallAnnaMaria">Mrs.
                <p><persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#MulockBen">Ben</persName> &amp; I are both <hi
                        rend="underline">very</hi> alive – &amp; very well thank God! – He has been
                    here a fortnight &amp; started yesterday for a fortnight's tour half business
                    half pleasure. I start today for the same – ditto. ditto. – to <placeName
                        ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#Stafford">Stafford</placeName> &amp; <placeName
                        ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#LakesDistrict">the Lakes.</placeName> – &amp; we
                    both return early in <date when="1862-06">June.</date> We will be home for two
                    months yet. – so I hope to see you next month.</p>
                <p>This is scribbled in the very midst of packing. Best love – I wish you had said a
                    word of yourself – how are you keeping? – You are quite done with that bad man
                    now? – </p>
                <p>"<persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#BackhouseDinah">Miss Backhouse</persName> –
                        <placeName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#Rydal">Rydal</placeName> – <placeName
                        ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#Ambleside">Ambleside</placeName>" will find me for a
                        week<anchor xml:id="n1"/> – but it is best <hi rend="underline">always</hi>
                    to direct to <placeName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#Wildwood">Wildwood</placeName>:
                    – letters follow me daily. – </p>
                <closer>Every yours aft<hi rend="superscript">er</hi><lb/>
                        <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#DMC">DMM. – </persName>
                    <p><persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#MulockBen">Ben</persName> looks so well
                        &amp; young &amp; handsome – a regular practical energetic man of business!
                        – He will do – please God. – </p>
            <div type="notes">
                <note target="#n1" resp="CraikSiteIndex.xml#FukushimaKailey">In a diary entry for
                    the week of <date from="1887-09-04" to="1887-09-10">September 4 – 10,
                    <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#DMC">Dinah</persName> wrote that they had
                    spent a summer at <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#BackhouseDinah">Dinah
                        Backhouse</persName>'s cottage in <placeName
                        ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#LakesDistrict">the Lakes District</placeName> 25
                    years earlier. It is unclear whether <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#DMC"
                        >Dinah</persName> is speaking of that same trip in this letter, or how
                    precise her memory was when she was writing in <date when="1887">1887.</date>
                    However, based on this information and the way that <persName
                        ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#DMC">Dinah</persName> speaks about <persName
                        ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#MulockBen">Ben</persName>'s health and whereabouts,
                    it seems likely that this letter was written in the spring of <date when="1862"
                    <lb/> Dinah Mulock Craik Diary, September 4 – 10, 1887 (Works 21), Dinah Maria
                    Mulock Craik Collection, Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas at
Letter from Dinah Mulock Craik to Anna Maria Hall, between March and May 1862. Dinah Mulock Craik Karen Bourrier Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive University of Calgary Karen Bourrier Transcription April 2017 by Kailey Fukushima Proofing of transcription June 2017 by Hannah Anderson TEI encoding April 2017 by Kailey Fukushima Proofing of TEI encoding June 2017 by Hannah Anderson First digital edition in TEI, date: June 2017. P5. Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive Calgary, Alberta, Canada 2017

Reproduced by courtesy of the University of California at Los Angeles.

Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive University of California at Los Angeles Charles E. Young Research Library Mulock Family Papers 846 Letter from Dinah Mulock Craik to Anna Maria Hall, between March and May 1862. Box 2, Folder 13

Our aim in this edition has been to transcribe the content of the letters as accurately as possible without reproducing the physical appearance of the manuscript. Craik’s spelling, punctuation, underlining, superscripts, abbreviations, additions and deletions are retained, except for words which are hyphenated at the end of a line, which we have silently emended. Where Craik uses a non-standard spelling, we have encoded both her spelling and the standard Oxford English Dictionary spelling to facilitate searching. The long s is not encoded.

Tuesday My dear Mrs. Hall

Ben & I are both very alive – & very well thank God! – He has been here a fortnight & started yesterday for a fortnight's tour half business half pleasure. I start today for the same – ditto. ditto. – to Stafford & the Lakes. – & we both return early in June. We will be home for two months yet. – so I hope to see you next month.

This is scribbled in the very midst of packing. Best love – I wish you had said a word of yourself – how are you keeping? – You are quite done with that bad man now? –

"Miss BackhouseRydalAmbleside" will find me for a week – but it is best always to direct to Wildwood: – letters follow me daily. –

Every yours after DMM. –

Ben looks so well & young & handsome – a regular practical energetic man of business! – He will do – please God. –

1 In a diary entry for the week of September 4 – 10, 1887, Dinah wrote that they had spent a summer at Dinah Backhouse's cottage in the Lakes District 25 years earlier. It is unclear whether Dinah is speaking of that same trip in this letter, or how precise her memory was when she was writing in 1887. However, based on this information and the way that Dinah speaks about Ben's health and whereabouts, it seems likely that this letter was written in the spring of 1862. Dinah Mulock Craik Diary, September 4 – 10, 1887 (Works 21), Dinah Maria Mulock Craik Collection, Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas at Austin.



Letter from Dinah Mulock Craik to Anna Maria Hall, between March and May 1862. Dinah Mulock Craik Karen Bourrier Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive University of Calgary Karen Bourrier Transcription April 2017 by Kailey Fukushima Proofing of transcription June 2017 by Hannah Anderson TEI encoding April 2017 by Kailey Fukushima Proofing of TEI encoding June 2017 by Hannah Anderson First digital edition in TEI, date: June 2017. P5. Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive Calgary, Alberta, Canada 2017

Reproduced by courtesy of the University of California at Los Angeles.

Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive University of California at Los Angeles Charles E. Young Research Library Mulock Family Papers 846 Letter from Dinah Mulock Craik to Anna Maria Hall, between March and May 1862. Box 2, Folder 13

Our aim in this edition has been to transcribe the content of the letters as accurately as possible without reproducing the physical appearance of the manuscript. Craik’s spelling, punctuation, underlining, superscripts, abbreviations, additions and deletions are retained, except for words which are hyphenated at the end of a line, which we have silently emended. Where Craik uses a non-standard spelling, we have encoded both her spelling and the standard Oxford English Dictionary spelling to facilitate searching. The long s is not encoded.

Tuesday My dear Mrs. Hall

Ben & I are both very alive – & very well thank God! – He has been here a fortnight & started yesterday for a fortnight's tour half business half pleasure. I start today for the same – ditto. ditto. – to Stafford & the Lakes. – & we both return early in June. We will be home for two months yet. – so I hope to see you next month.

This is scribbled in the very midst of packing. Best love – I wish you had said a word of yourself – how are you keeping? – You are quite done with that bad man now? –

"Miss BackhouseRydalAmbleside" will find me for a week – but it is best always to direct to Wildwood: – letters follow me daily. –

Every yours after DMM. –

Ben looks so well & young & handsome – a regular practical energetic man of business! – He will do – please God. –

In a diary entry for the week of September 4 – 10, 1887, Dinah wrote that they had spent a summer at Dinah Backhouse's cottage in the Lakes District 25 years earlier. It is unclear whether Dinah is speaking of that same trip in this letter, or how precise her memory was when she was writing in 1887. However, based on this information and the way that Dinah speaks about Ben's health and whereabouts, it seems likely that this letter was written in the spring of 1862. Dinah Mulock Craik Diary, September 4 – 10, 1887 (Works 21), Dinah Maria Mulock Craik Collection, Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas at Austin.