Vertical Tabs Reader Choose Stylesheet TEI BoilerplateXML ViewToggle Soft WrapToggle Invisibles<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml-model href="" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?> <?xml-model href="" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?> <TEI xmlns=""> <teiHeader> <fileDesc> <titleStmt> <title>TAPAS Template for Personographies</title> </titleStmt> <publicationStmt> <publisher>Northeastern University TAPAS project</publisher> <availability> <ab> Freely available for download and redistribution for educational, non-commercial use. </ab> </availability> </publicationStmt> <sourceDesc> <!-- Born digital: no previous source exists. This document was composed using the following resource as a guide:--> <bibl> <title level="a">Sample personography of Tudor monarchs</title>. <author xml:id="jf">Julia Flanders</author>, <title>Encoding Contextual Information</title>. <publisher>Northeastern University Women Writers Project</publisher> <date>2016</date>. </bibl> </sourceDesc> </fileDesc> </teiHeader> <text> <body> <listPerson> <!-- repeat '<person></person>' container for each new entry --> <person xml:id="pers_jane_doe"> <persName>Jane Doe</persName> <figure> <graphic url="pers-jane-doe-biopic.jpg"/> <head>Jane Doe</head> <figDesc>A photo of Jane Doe from spring 2016</figDesc> </figure> <birth when="2017-01-01"> <figure> <graphic url="pers-jane-doe-biopic.jpg"/> <head>Jane Doe</head> <figDesc>A photo of Jane Doe from spring 2016</figDesc> </figure> <placeName ref="#location_name">Birthplace</placeName> </birth> <death notBefore="2017"/> <education><orgName>Name of Institution</orgName></education> <langKnowledge> <langKnown tag="en">first language</langKnown> </langKnowledge> <nationality><placeName>United States</placeName></nationality> <occupation from="2017">Subject of a TAPAS Personography template</occupation> <residence from="2017-01" to="2017-02"> <placeName ref="#place_residence_1">Place of Residence 1</placeName> </residence> <residence from="2017-02" to="2017-03"> <placeName ref="#place_residence_2">Place of Residence 2</placeName> </residence> <event when="2017-02" where="#place_residence_1"> <p>Something cool happened...</p> </event> <trait type="eye_color"> <label>eye color</label> <desc>green</desc> </trait> <state type="marital_status"> <label>marital status</label> <desc>partnered</desc> </state> </person> </listPerson> </body> </text> </TEI> Hide page breaks Views diplomatic normalized TAPAS Template for Personographies Northeastern University TAPAS project Freely available for download and redistribution for educational, non-commercial use. Sample personography of Tudor monarchs. Julia Flanders, Encoding Contextual Information. Northeastern University Women Writers Project 2016. ToolboxHide page breaks Themes: Default Sleepy Time Terminal TAPAS Template for Personographies Northeastern University TAPAS project Freely available for download and redistribution for educational, non-commercial use. Sample personography of Tudor monarchs. Julia Flanders, Encoding Contextual Information. Northeastern University Women Writers Project 2016. Jane Doe Jane Doe Jane Doe Birthplace Name of Institution first language United States Subject of a TAPAS Personography template Place of Residence 1 Place of Residence 2 Something cool happened... eye color green marital status partnered Metadata TAPAS Title:Sample PersonographyTitle:TAPAS Template for PersonographiesTAPAS Author:TAPAS (Author)TAPAS Contributor:Benjamin J. Doyle (Contributor)Imprint:Northeastern University TAPAS projectType of resource:TextGenre:Texts (document genres)Related item:Sample personography of Tudor monarchs Encoding Contextual Information Files TEI File: personography.xmlAuxillary Files: pers-jane-doe-biopic.jpg Project Details Collection: TEI TemplatesSupport File Type: personography