Letter from Dinah Mulock Craik to Robert Chambers, 29 June 1841.

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                <title>Letter from <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#DMC">Dinah Mulock
                        Craik</persName> to <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#ChambersRobert"
                        cert="medium">Robert Chambers</persName>, <date when="1841-06-29">29 June
                <author ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#DMC">Dinah Mulock Craik</author>
                <editor ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#BourrierKaren">Karen Bourrier</editor>
                    <orgName>Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive</orgName>
                <sponsor>University of Calgary</sponsor>
                <principal>Karen Bourrier</principal>
                    <resp>Transcription <date when="2009-07">July 2009</date> by</resp>
                    <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#BourrierKaren">Karen Bourrier</persName>
                    <resp>Proofing of transcription <date when="2017-05-10">May 2017</date> by </resp>
                    <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#AndersonHannah">Hannah Anderson</persName>
                    <resp>TEI encoding <date when="2017-05">May 2017</date> by</resp>
                    <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#FukushimaKailey">Kailey Fukushima</persName>
                    <resp>Proofing of TEI encoding <date when="2017-05-10">May 2017</date> by</resp>
                    <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#AndersonHannah">Hannah Anderson</persName>
                <edition>First digital edition in TEI, date: <date when="2017-05">May 2017.</date>
                    P5. </edition>
                <authority>Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive</authority>
                <pubPlace>Calgary, Alberta, Canada</pubPlace>
                    <p>Reproduced by courtesy of the <orgName>National Library of
                    <licence>Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0
                        Unported License</licence>
                <title>Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive</title>
                        <institution>National Library of Scotland</institution>
                        <repository>Manuscripts Collections Division</repository>
                        <collection>W. &amp; R. Chambers</collection>
                        <idno>Dep. 341</idno>
                    <head>Letter from <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#DMC">Dinah Mulock
                        Craik</persName> to <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#ChambersRobert"
                            cert="medium">Robert Chambers</persName>, <date when="1841-06-29">29 June
                            <note>MS 93; Folio 18</note>
                <p> Our aim in this edition has been to transcribe the content of the letters as
                    accurately as possible without reproducing the physical appearance of the
                    manuscript. Craik’s spelling, punctuation, underlining, superscripts,
                    abbreviations, additions and deletions are retained, except for words which are
                    hyphenated at the end of a line, which we have silently emended. Where Craik
                    uses a non-standard spelling, we have encoded both her spelling and the standard
                    Oxford English Dictionary spelling to facilitate searching. The long s is not
                    encoded. </p>
            <div type="letter">
                <opener><dateline><date when="1841-06-29">June 29<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> — <choice>
                            </choice> — </date></dateline><lb/>
                    <salute>My dear Sir</salute></opener>
                <p>As my motto is always “Try again” — allow me once more to try my own fortune
                    &amp; your patience with a tale.</p>
                <p><title corresp="CraikSiteIndex.xml#ElisabettaSirani">Elisabetta Sirani</title>
                    has at all events the attraction of truth — with the exception of a few slight
                    poetical embellishments the story is really true — I found the facts from an old
                    &amp; scarce Italian book — "<title corresp="CraikSiteIndex.xml#FelsinaPittrice"
                        >Felsina Pittrice — </title>" by <persName
                        ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#MalvasiaCarloCesare">Carlo Malvasia.</persName></p>
                <p>Can you tell me if my “<title>Stories of the Early
                            <unclear><!--HA: Paidle is a Scottish term for a pocket or trap in a fishing net-->
                            Paidle</unclear></title>" have yet appeared in the Papers? — </p>
                <p>I am very sorry to kill <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#SiraniElisabetta"
                        >Elisabetta</persName> &amp; <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#BattistaZani"
                        >Zani</persName> but they did really die as said — so that I cannot help it
                    — I have made the tale as little doleful as possible — considering the facts — </p>
                <closer>Always sincerely yours<lb/>
                    <signed><persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#DMC">DMMulock —
Letter from Dinah Mulock Craik to Robert Chambers, 29 June 1841. Dinah Mulock Craik Karen Bourrier Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive University of Calgary Karen Bourrier Transcription July 2009 by Karen Bourrier Proofing of transcription May 2017 by Hannah Anderson TEI encoding May 2017 by Kailey Fukushima Proofing of TEI encoding May 2017 by Hannah Anderson First digital edition in TEI, date: May 2017. P5. Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive Calgary, Alberta, Canada 2017

Reproduced by courtesy of the National Library of Scotland.

Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive National Library of Scotland Manuscripts Collections Division W. & R. Chambers Dep. 341 Letter from Dinah Mulock Craik to Robert Chambers, 29 June 1841. MS 93; Folio 18

Our aim in this edition has been to transcribe the content of the letters as accurately as possible without reproducing the physical appearance of the manuscript. Craik’s spelling, punctuation, underlining, superscripts, abbreviations, additions and deletions are retained, except for words which are hyphenated at the end of a line, which we have silently emended. Where Craik uses a non-standard spelling, we have encoded both her spelling and the standard Oxford English Dictionary spelling to facilitate searching. The long s is not encoded.

June 29th41 1841 My dear Sir

As my motto is always “Try again” — allow me once more to try my own fortune & your patience with a tale.

Elisabetta Sirani has at all events the attraction of truth — with the exception of a few slight poetical embellishments the story is really true — I found the facts from an old & scarce Italian book — "Felsina Pittrice — " by Carlo Malvasia.

Can you tell me if my “Stories of the Early Paidle " have yet appeared in the Papers? —

I am very sorry to kill Elisabetta & Zani but they did really die as said — so that I cannot help it — I have made the tale as little doleful as possible — considering the facts —

Always sincerely yours DMMulock —



Letter from Dinah Mulock Craik to Robert Chambers, 29 June 1841. Dinah Mulock Craik Karen Bourrier Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive University of Calgary Karen Bourrier Transcription July 2009 by Karen Bourrier Proofing of transcription May 2017 by Hannah Anderson TEI encoding May 2017 by Kailey Fukushima Proofing of TEI encoding May 2017 by Hannah Anderson First digital edition in TEI, date: May 2017. P5. Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive Calgary, Alberta, Canada 2017

Reproduced by courtesy of the National Library of Scotland.

Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive National Library of Scotland Manuscripts Collections Division W. & R. Chambers Dep. 341 Letter from Dinah Mulock Craik to Robert Chambers, 29 June 1841. MS 93; Folio 18

Our aim in this edition has been to transcribe the content of the letters as accurately as possible without reproducing the physical appearance of the manuscript. Craik’s spelling, punctuation, underlining, superscripts, abbreviations, additions and deletions are retained, except for words which are hyphenated at the end of a line, which we have silently emended. Where Craik uses a non-standard spelling, we have encoded both her spelling and the standard Oxford English Dictionary spelling to facilitate searching. The long s is not encoded.

June 29th 41 1841 My dear Sir

As my motto is always “Try again” — allow me once more to try my own fortune & your patience with a tale.

Elisabetta Sirani has at all events the attraction of truth — with the exception of a few slight poetical embellishments the story is really true — I found the facts from an old & scarce Italian book — "Felsina Pittrice — " by Carlo Malvasia.

Can you tell me if my “Stories of the Early Paidle " have yet appeared in the Papers? —

I am very sorry to kill Elisabetta & Zani but they did really die as said — so that I cannot help it — I have made the tale as little doleful as possible — considering the facts —

Always sincerely yours DMMulock —