Letter from Dinah Mulock Craik to Mr. Harry, 18 September 1862

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<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
                <title>Letter from <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#DMC">Dinah Mulock
                        Craik</persName> to <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#MrHarry">Mr.
                        Harry</persName>, <date when="1862-09-18">18 September 1862.</date>
                <author ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#DMC">Dinah Mulock Craik</author>
                <editor ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#BourrierKaren">Karen Bourrier</editor>
                    <orgName> Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive </orgName>
                <sponsor>University of Calgary</sponsor>
                <principal>Karen Bourrier</principal>
                    <resp>Transcription <date when="2008-05">May 2008</date> by</resp>
                    <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#BourrierKaren">Karen Bourrier</persName>
                    <resp>Proofing of transcription <date from="2015-06" to="2015-07">June-July
                            2015</date> by</resp>
                    <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#FukushimaKailey">Kailey Fukushima</persName>
                    <resp>TEI encoding <date from="2015-06" to="2015-07">June-July 2015</date>
                    <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#FukushimaKailey">Kailey Fukushima</persName>
                    <resp>Proofing of TEI encoding <date from="2015-06" to="2015-07">June-July
                            2015</date> by</resp>
                    <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#BourrierKaren">Karen Bourrier</persName>
                <edition> First digital edition in TEI, date: 15 August 2015. P5. </edition>
                <authority>Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive</authority>
                <pubPlace>Calgary, Alberta, Canada</pubPlace>
                    <p>Reproduced by courtesy of the <placeName>Princeton University</placeName> . </p>
                    <licence> Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0
                        Unported License.</licence>
                <title>Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive</title>
                        <repository ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#Princeton">Manuscripts Division,
                            Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, Princeton University
                        <collection>M. L. Parrish Collection of Victorian Novelists</collection>
                    <head>Letter from <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#DMC">Dinah Mulock
                            Craik</persName> to <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#MrHarry">Mr.
                            Harry</persName>, <date when="1862-09-18">18 September 1862.</date>
                        <p>This is a single-page letter. A small rectangular area on the
                            bottom-right side of the page where the closer and signature would
                            normally be positioned has been removed, presumably by cutting. On the
                            bottom-left corner, the words “from Miss Mulock” are written in an
                            unknown hand diagonally (bottom-left to top-right). The postscript to
                            this letter is written on the top of the page to the left of the
                            dateline. The writing is rotated counter-clockwise by 90 degrees. The
                            missing portion of the page suggests that Dinah's signature was either
                            kept or sold by the recipient (or by an unknown handler of this letter).
                            <note>Box 6, Folder 24</note>
                <p>Our aim in this edition has been to transcribe the content of the letters as
                    accurately as possible without reproducing the physical appearance of the
                    manuscript. Craik’s spelling, punctuation, underlining, superscripts,
                    abbreviations, additions and deletions are retained, except for words which are
                    hyphenated at the end of a line, which we have silently emended. Where Craik
                    uses a non-standard spelling, we have encoded both her spelling and the standard
                    Oxford English Dictionary spelling to faciliate searching. The long s is not
                <opener><dateline><placeName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#Wildwood">Wildwood</placeName><lb/>
                        <date when="1862-09-18"><choice>
                            </choice>. 18.<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> / <choice>
                    <salute>Dear <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#MrHarry">Mr.
                <p>I think these <choice>
                    </choice> the very most flattering things ever done of me – &amp; am quite
                    conceited. Shall take gratefully a few more copies for affectionate friends.
                    With kindest regards to your mother</p>
                <closer><handShift/> – from <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#DMC">Miss
                    <p>I take the sitting one back – &amp; it is best in forms &amp; a better
                        negative, don’t you think so?</p>
Letter from Dinah Mulock Craik to Mr. Harry, 18 September 1862. Dinah Mulock Craik Karen Bourrier Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive University of Calgary Karen Bourrier Transcription May 2008 by Karen Bourrier Proofing of transcription June-July 2015 by Kailey Fukushima TEI encoding June-July 2015 by Kailey Fukushima Proofing of TEI encoding June-July 2015 by Karen Bourrier First digital edition in TEI, date: 15 August 2015. P5. Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive Calgary, Alberta, Canada 2015

Reproduced by courtesy of the Princeton University .

Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive Manuscripts Division, Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, Princeton University Library. M. L. Parrish Collection of Victorian Novelists AM15550 Letter from Dinah Mulock Craik to Mr. Harry, 18 September 1862.

This is a single-page letter. A small rectangular area on the bottom-right side of the page where the closer and signature would normally be positioned has been removed, presumably by cutting. On the bottom-left corner, the words “from Miss Mulock” are written in an unknown hand diagonally (bottom-left to top-right). The postscript to this letter is written on the top of the page to the left of the dateline. The writing is rotated counter-clockwise by 90 degrees. The missing portion of the page suggests that Dinah's signature was either kept or sold by the recipient (or by an unknown handler of this letter).

Box 6, Folder 24

Our aim in this edition has been to transcribe the content of the letters as accurately as possible without reproducing the physical appearance of the manuscript. Craik’s spelling, punctuation, underlining, superscripts, abbreviations, additions and deletions are retained, except for words which are hyphenated at the end of a line, which we have silently emended. Where Craik uses a non-standard spelling, we have encoded both her spelling and the standard Oxford English Dictionary spelling to faciliate searching. The long s is not encoded.

Wildwood Sep September . 18.th / 62 1862 Dear Mr. Harry

I think these Phos photographs the very most flattering things ever done of me – & am quite conceited. Shall take gratefully a few more copies for affectionate friends. With kindest regards to your mother

– from Miss Mulock

I take the sitting one back – & it is best in forms & a better negative, don’t you think so?



Letter from Dinah Mulock Craik to Mr. Harry, 18 September 1862. Dinah Mulock Craik Karen Bourrier Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive University of Calgary Karen Bourrier Transcription May 2008 by Karen Bourrier Proofing of transcription June-July 2015 by Kailey Fukushima TEI encoding June-July 2015 by Kailey Fukushima Proofing of TEI encoding June-July 2015 by Karen Bourrier First digital edition in TEI, date: 15 August 2015. P5. Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive Calgary, Alberta, Canada 2015

Reproduced by courtesy of the Princeton University .

Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive Manuscripts Division, Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, Princeton University Library. M. L. Parrish Collection of Victorian Novelists AM15550 Letter from Dinah Mulock Craik to Mr. Harry, 18 September 1862.

This is a single-page letter. A small rectangular area on the bottom-right side of the page where the closer and signature would normally be positioned has been removed, presumably by cutting. On the bottom-left corner, the words “from Miss Mulock” are written in an unknown hand diagonally (bottom-left to top-right). The postscript to this letter is written on the top of the page to the left of the dateline. The writing is rotated counter-clockwise by 90 degrees. The missing portion of the page suggests that Dinah's signature was either kept or sold by the recipient (or by an unknown handler of this letter).

Box 6, Folder 24

Our aim in this edition has been to transcribe the content of the letters as accurately as possible without reproducing the physical appearance of the manuscript. Craik’s spelling, punctuation, underlining, superscripts, abbreviations, additions and deletions are retained, except for words which are hyphenated at the end of a line, which we have silently emended. Where Craik uses a non-standard spelling, we have encoded both her spelling and the standard Oxford English Dictionary spelling to faciliate searching. The long s is not encoded.

Wildwood Sep September . 18.th / 62 1862 Dear Mr. Harry

I think these Phos photographs the very most flattering things ever done of me – & am quite conceited. Shall take gratefully a few more copies for affectionate friends. With kindest regards to your mother

– from Miss Mulock

I take the sitting one back – & it is best in forms & a better negative, don’t you think so?