Images testing 4_30

Vertical Tabs

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-model href="" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?>
<?xml-model href="" type="application/xml"
<TEI xmlns="">
            <title>Handling of Image files in TAPAS Records</title>
               <orgName>TAPAS Project</orgName>
               <resp>Encoded by, </resp>
               <persName>Benjamin J. Doyle (modified by Mary Isbell)</persName>
               <orgName>the TEI Archiving, Publishing, and Access Service (TAPAS)</orgName>
               <addrLine>360 Huntington Avenue</addrLine>
               <addrLine>Northeastern University</addrLine>
               <addrLine>Boston, MA 02115</addrLine>
               <p>This file is free to download, share, or repurpose for educational and project development purposes.</p>
            <p>Born digital</p>
         <p>Basic encoding, modeling handling of image files in TAPAS for TEI Records.</p>
      <profileDesc> </profileDesc>
         <change when="2016-11-11" who="#BJD"> added header </change>
         <change when="2018-04-30" who="#MEI">incorporated links to images uploaded to Flickr</change>
            <head>BASIC ENCODING SCENARIOS</head>
            <p>TAPAS supports the display of image files in two ways:</p>
            <p>In the following case, we have an image file, "TYI1064.jpg," which we've uploaded to Flickr. To encode this image into our TEI file, we
               would reference the file and its path on the @url value on <![CDATA[graphic]]>: <![CDATA[<graphic url="image1.jpg"/>]]>. <note>In this
                  case, our image file is NOT loaded along with file as part of the TAPAS Record (because this doesn't work right now), so we are
                  referencing the full url of the image at Flickr. To do this (to reference an image file that lived on another web server), we add
                  the full url path on the @url value. To get the URL, Click the "Download" button on your image page (it looks like an arrow pointing
                  down), Decide which size image you want and Control-click/right-click on that size, Select "Copy link location", which will add the
                  URL to your clipboard, and Paste the URL into your TEI.</note></p>
            <p>We then wrap <![CDATA[<graphic/>]]> with <![CDATA[<figure>]]>. We can also add a title to this image using <![CDATA[<head>]]> and a
               description using <![CDATA[<figDesc>]]>:</p>
            <p>The full markup might look like the following:
               <![CDATA[<figure><graphic url=""/><head>Full Page from The Young Idea</head><figDesc>Fourth Page of Sixth Issue</figDesc></figure>]]></p>
               <graphic url=""/>
               <head>Full page from The Young Idea</head>
               <figDesc>Fourth Page of Sixth Issue</figDesc>

            <p>2.<![CDATA[@facs on <pb/>]]></p>
            <p>We may also wish to add page images of our markup up text. We could do this by uploading our page images as "Auxillary Files" for our
               TAPAS Record (but this isn't working at the moment). We would then call on these files following a similar approach as putlined above, except we add the file name and path as
               a value of @facs on <![CDATA[<pb/>]]>:</p>
            <p><![CDATA[<pb n="1" facs=""/>]]></p>
            <pb n="1" facs=""/>
            <head rend="bold">OTHER USE CASES</head>
            <p>1. Adding images through <![CDATA[<figure>]]> in a <![CDATA[<note>]]>: you can add images into your notes by using same setup as
               scenario 1 in Basic Encoding above:</p>
            <p><![CDATA[<figure><graphic url=""/><head>Full Page from The Young Idea</head><figDesc>Fourth Page of Sixth Issue</figDesc></figure>]]></p>
            <p>Click the note below:</p>
            <note>Here's an image contained within a note: <figure>
               <graphic url=""/>
                  <head>Full Page from The Young Idea</head>
                  <figDesc>Fourth Page of Sixth Issue</figDesc>
            <p>2. Adding images to your -Ography support files: Yes, you can add images to your ography files using <![CDATA[<figure>]]>. These will
               display in the TAPAS Reader. See an example here: <ref target=""
                  ></ref> *Currently we do not support the display of image files
               in ography support files in the dynamic popups of source Records.</p>
Handling of Image files in TAPAS Records TAPAS Project Encoded by, Benjamin J. Doyle (modified by Mary Isbell) the TEI Archiving, Publishing, and Access Service (TAPAS)
360 Huntington Avenue Northeastern University Boston, MA 02115

This file is free to download, share, or repurpose for educational and project development purposes.

Born digital

Basic encoding, modeling handling of image files in TAPAS for TEI Records.

added header incorporated links to images uploaded to Flickr

TAPAS supports the display of image files in two ways:


In the following case, we have an image file, "TYI1064.jpg," which we've uploaded to Flickr. To encode this image into our TEI file, we would reference the file and its path on the @url value on graphic: <graphic url="image1.jpg"/>. 1 In this case, our image file is NOT loaded along with file as part of the TAPAS Record (because this doesn't work right now), so we are referencing the full url of the image at Flickr. To do this (to reference an image file that lived on another web server), we add the full url path on the @url value. To get the URL, Click the "Download" button on your image page (it looks like an arrow pointing down), Decide which size image you want and Control-click/right-click on that size, Select "Copy link location", which will add the URL to your clipboard, and Paste the URL into your TEI.

We then wrap <graphic/> with <figure>. We can also add a title to this image using <head> and a description using <figDesc>:

The full markup might look like the following: <figure><graphic url=""/><head>Full Page from The Young Idea</head><figDesc>Fourth Page of Sixth Issue</figDesc></figure>

Fourth Page of Sixth Issue Full page from The Young Idea Fourth Page of Sixth Issue

2.@facs on <pb/>

We may also wish to add page images of our markup up text. We could do this by uploading our page images as "Auxillary Files" for our TAPAS Record (but this isn't working at the moment). We would then call on these files following a similar approach as putlined above, except we add the file name and path as a value of @facs on <pb/>:

<pb n="1" facs=""/>

view page image(s)

1. Adding images through <figure> in a <note>: you can add images into your notes by using same setup as scenario 1 in Basic Encoding above:

<figure><graphic url=""/><head>Full Page from The Young Idea</head><figDesc>Fourth Page of Sixth Issue</figDesc></figure>

Click the note below:

2 Here's an image contained within a note:
Fourth Page of Sixth Issue Full Page from The Young Idea Fourth Page of Sixth Issue

2. Adding images to your -Ography support files: Yes, you can add images to your ography files using <figure>. These will display in the TAPAS Reader. See an example here: *Currently we do not support the display of image files in ography support files in the dynamic popups of source Records.



Handling of Image files in TAPAS Records TAPAS Project Encoded by, Benjamin J. Doyle (modified by Mary Isbell) the TEI Archiving, Publishing, and Access Service (TAPAS)
360 Huntington Avenue Northeastern University Boston, MA 02115

This file is free to download, share, or repurpose for educational and project development purposes.

Born digital

Basic encoding, modeling handling of image files in TAPAS for TEI Records.

added header incorporated links to images uploaded to Flickr

TAPAS supports the display of image files in two ways:


In the following case, we have an image file, "TYI1064.jpg," which we've uploaded to Flickr. To encode this image into our TEI file, we would reference the file and its path on the @url value on graphic: <graphic url="image1.jpg"/>. In this case, our image file is NOT loaded along with file as part of the TAPAS Record (because this doesn't work right now), so we are referencing the full url of the image at Flickr. To do this (to reference an image file that lived on another web server), we add the full url path on the @url value. To get the URL, Click the "Download" button on your image page (it looks like an arrow pointing down), Decide which size image you want and Control-click/right-click on that size, Select "Copy link location", which will add the URL to your clipboard, and Paste the URL into your TEI.

We then wrap <graphic/> with <figure>. We can also add a title to this image using <head> and a description using <figDesc>:

The full markup might look like the following: <figure><graphic url=""/><head>Full Page from The Young Idea</head><figDesc>Fourth Page of Sixth Issue</figDesc></figure>

Fourth Page of Sixth Issue Full page from The Young Idea

2.@facs on <pb/>

We may also wish to add page images of our markup up text. We could do this by uploading our page images as "Auxillary Files" for our TAPAS Record (but this isn't working at the moment). We would then call on these files following a similar approach as putlined above, except we add the file name and path as a value of @facs on <pb/>:

<pb n="1" facs=""/>


1. Adding images through <figure> in a <note>: you can add images into your notes by using same setup as scenario 1 in Basic Encoding above:

<figure><graphic url=""/><head>Full Page from The Young Idea</head><figDesc>Fourth Page of Sixth Issue</figDesc></figure>

Click the note below:

Here's an image contained within a note:
Fourth Page of Sixth Issue Full Page from The Young Idea

2. Adding images to your -Ography support files: Yes, you can add images to your ography files using <figure>. These will display in the TAPAS Reader. See an example here: *Currently we do not support the display of image files in ography support files in the dynamic popups of source Records.