IN consequence of a partial representation of the
conduct of the people who were employed to nurse
the sick, in the late calamitous state of the city of
Philadelphia, we are solicited, by a number of those
who feel themselves injured thereby, and by the ad-
vice of several respectable citizens, to step forward and
declare facts as they really were; seeing that from our
situation, on account of the charge we took upon us,
we had it more fully and generally in our power, to
know and observe the conduct and behavior of those that
were so employed.
Early in September, a solicitation appeared in the
public papers, to the people of colour to come forward
and assist the distressed, perishing, and neglected sick;
with a kind of assurance, that people of our colour
were not liable to take the infection. Upon which we
and a few others met and consulted how to act on so
truly alarming and melancholy an occasion. After
some conversation, we found a freedom to go forth,
confiding in him who can preserve in the midst of a
burning fiery furnace, sensible that it was our duty to
do all the good we could to our suffering fellow mor-
tals. We set out to see where we could be useful.
The firt we visited was a man in Emfley's alley, who
was dying, and his wife lay dead at the time in the
house, there were none to assist but two poor helpless
children. We administered what relief we could, and
applied to the overseers of the poor to have the woman
buried. We visited upwards of twenty families that
day-they were scenes of woe indeed! The Lord
was pleased to strengthen us, and remove all fear from
us, and disposed our hearts to be as useful as possible.
A 2 In
In order the better to regulate our conduct, we cal-
led on the mayornext day, to consult with him how to
proceed, so as to be most useful. The first object he
recommended was a strict attention to the sick, and the
procuring of nurses. This was attended to by A.J. and William Gray; and, in order that the
distressed might know where to apply, the the mayorad-
vertised the public that upon application to them they
would be supplied. Soon after, the mortality increas-
ing, the difficulty of getting a corpse taken away, was
such, that few were willing to do it, when offered
great rewards. The black people were looked to. We
then offered our Services in the public papers, by ad-
vertising that we would remove the dead and procure
nurses. Our services were the production of real sen-
sibility;-we sought not fee nor reward, until the in-
crease of the disorder rendered our labour so arduous
that we were not adequate to the service we had assum
ed. The mortality increasing rapidly, obliged us to
call in the assistance of five * hired men, in the awful
discharge of interring the dead. They, with great
reluctance, were prevailed upon to join us. It was
very uncommon, at this time, to find any one that
would go near, much more, handle, a sick or dead
Mr. Carey,in page 106 of histhird edition, has
observed, that,"for the honor of human nature, it
ought to be recorded, that some of the convicts in the
gaol, a part of the term of whose confinement had
been remitted as a reward for their peaceable, orderly
behavior, voluntarily offered themselves as nurses to
attend the sick at Bush-hill; and have, in that capaci-
ty, conducted themselves with great fidelity, &c.
it ought to be remarked, (although Mr. Carey hath
not done it) that two thirds of the persons, who ren-
dered these essential services,were people of colour,
who, on the application of the elders of the African
church, (who met to consider what they could do for
the help of the sick) were liberated, on condition of
their doing the duty of nurses at the hospital at Bush-
hill; which they as voluntarily accepted to do, as they
did faithfully discharge, this severe and disagreeable
duty.—May the Lord reward them, both temporally
and spiritually.
*Two of whom were Richard Allen's brothers.
When the sickness became general, and several of
the physicians died, and most of the survivors were ex-
hausted by sickness or fatigue;that good man, Doctor
Rush, called us more immediately to attend upon the
sick, knowing we could both bleed; he told us we
could increase our utility, by attending to his instruc-
tions, and accordingly directed us where to procure
medicine duly prepared, with proper directions how
to administer them, and at what stages of the disorder
to bleed; and when we found ourselves incapable of
judging what was proper to be done, to apply to him,
and he would, if able, attend them himself, or send
Edward Fisher, his pupil, which he often did; and Mr.
Fisher manifested his humanity, by an affectionate at-
tention for their relief.–This has been no small satis-
faction to us; for, we think, that when a physician
was not attainable, we have been the instruments, in
the hand of God, for saving the lives of some hundreds
of our suffering fellow mortals.
We feel ourselves sensibly aggrieved by the censori-
ous epithets of many, who did not render the least as-
sistance in the time of necessity, yet are liberal of their
censure of us, for the prices paid for our services, when
no one knew bow to make a proposal to any one they
wanted to assist them. At first we made no charge,
but left it to those we served in removing their dead,
to give what they thought fit-we set no price, until
the reward was fixed by those we had served. After
paying the people we had to assist us, our compensation
is much less than many will believe.
We do assure the public, that all the money we have
received, for burying, and for coffins which we our-
selves purchased and procured, has not defrayed the
expence of wages which we had to pay to those whom
we employed to assist us. The following statement is
accurately made:
The whole amount of Cash we received
for burying the dead, and for burying
beds, is, - -£233 10 4
For coffins, for which we have
received nothing - £33 o o
Cary over £33 o o
Brought forward £33 o o
For the hire of five men, 3 of
them 70 days each, and the
other two, 63 days each,
at 22s 6 per day, - - - 378 0 0
411 0 0
Debts due us, for which we expect
but little, - £110 0 0
From this statement, for the truth of
which we solemnly vouch, it is evi-
dent, and we sensibly feel the opera-
tion of the fact, that we are out of
pocket, - - - - £ 177 9 8
Besides the costs of hearses, the maintenance of our
families for 70 days, (being the period of our labours)
and the support of the five hired men, during the re-
respective times of their being employed; which expen-
ces, together with sundry gifts we occasionally made to
poor family, might reasonably and intro-
duced, to show our actual situation with regard to pro-
fit-but it is enough to exhibit to the public, from the
above specified items, of Cash paid and Cash received,
without taking into view the other expences, that, by
the employment we were engaged in, we have lost
£177 9 8. But, if the other expences, which we
have actually paid, are added to that sum, how much
then may we not say we have suffered! We leave the
public to judge.
It may possibly appear strange to some who know
how constantly we were employed, that we should
have received no more Cash than £233 10 4. But
we repeat our assurance, that this is the fact, and we
add another, which will serve the better to explain it:
We have buried several hundreds of poor persons and
strangers, for which service we have never received,
nor never asked any compensation.
We feel ourselves hurt most by a partial, censorious
paragraph, in Mr. Carey's second edition, of his ac-
count of the sickness, &c. in Philadelphia; pages 76
and 77, where he asperses the blacks alone, for having
taken the advantage of the distressed situation of the
people. That some extravagant prices were paid, we
admit; but how came they to be demanded? the
reason is plain. It was with difficulty persons could be
had to supply the wants of the sick, as nurses;-ap-
plications became more and more numerous, the conse-
quence was, when we procured them at six dollars per
week, and called upon them to go where they were
wanted, we found they were gone elsewhere; here
was a disappointment; upon enquiring the cause, we
found, they had been allured away by others who of-
fered greater wages, until they got from two to four
dollars per day. We had no restraint upon the peo-
ple. It was natural for people in low circumstances
to accept a voluntary, bounteous reward; especially
under the loathsomness of many of the sick, when na-
ture shuddered at the thoughts of the infection, and
the talk assigned was aggravated by lunacy, and being
left much alone with them. Had Mr. Carey been so-
licited to such an undertaking, for hire, Query, "what
would he have demanded?
but Mr. Carey, although
chosen a member of that band of worthies who have
so eminently distinguished themselves by their labours,
for the relief of the sick and helpless-yet, quickly after
his election, left them to struggle with their arduous
and hazardous talk, by leaving the city. 'Tis true
Mr. Carey was no hireling, and had a right to flee,
and upon his return, to plead the cause of those
who fled; yet, we think, he was wrong in
giving so partial and injurious an account of the
black nurses; if they have taken advantage of
the public distress? Is it anymore than he hath done
of its desire for information. We believe he has
made more money by the sale of his "scraps"
than a
dozen of the greatest extortioners among the black
nurses. The great prices paid did not escape the ob-
servation of that worthy and vigilant magistrate, Ma-
thew Clarkson, mayor of the city, and president of
the committee-he sent for us, and requested we would
use our influence, to lessen the wages of the nurses, but
on informing him the cause, i. e. that of the people over-
bidding one another, it was concluded unnecessary to
attempt any thing on that head; therefore it was left
to the people concerned. That there were some few
black people guilty of plundering the distressed, we
acknowledge; but in that they only are pointed out,
and made mention of, we esteem partial and injurious;
we know as many whites who were guilty of it; but
this is looked over, while the blacks are held up to cen-
sure.—Is it a greater crime for a black to pilfer, than
for a white to privateer?
We wish not to offend, but when an unprovoked at-
tempt is made, to make us blacker than we are, it be-
comes less necessary to be over cautious on that ac-
count; therefore we shall take the liberty to tell of the
conduct of some of the whites.
We know six pounds was demanded by, and paid,
to a white woman, for putting a corpse into a coffin;
and forty dollars was demanded, and paid, to four
white men, for bringing it down the stairs.
Mr. and Mrs. Taylorboth died in one night; a
white woman had the care of them; after they were
dead she called on Jacob Servoss, esq. for her pay,
demanding six pounds for laying them out; upon see-
ing a bundle with her, he suspected she had pilfered;
on searching her, Mr. Taylor's buckles were found
in her pocket, with other things.
An elderly lady, Mrs. Malony, was given into the
care of a white woman, she died, we were called to
remove the corpse, when we came the woman was lay-
ing so drunk that she did not know what we were do-
ing, but we know she had one of Mrs. Malony's rings
on her finger, and another in her pocket—
Mr. Carey tells us, Bush-hill exhibited as wretched
a picture of human misery, as ever existed. A profli-
gate abandoned set of nurses and attendants (hardly
any of good charater could at that time be procured,)
rioted on the provisions and comforts, prepared for the
sick, who (unless at the hours when the doctors attend-
ed) were left almost entirely destitute of every assist-
ance. The dying and dead were indiscriminately
mingled together. The ordure and other evacuations
of the sick, were allowed to remain in the most offen-
sive state imaginable. Not the smallest appearance of
order or regularity existed. It was in fact a great hu-
man slaughter house, where numerous victims were
immolated at the altar of intemperance.
It is unpleasant to point out the bad and unfeeling
conduct of any colour, yet the defence we have under-
taken obliges us to remark, that although "hardly any
of good character at that time could be procured"
only two black women were at this time in the hospi-
tal, and they were retained and the others discharg-
ed, when it was reduced to order and good govern-
The bad consequences many of our colour apprehend
from a partial relation of our conduct are, that it will
prejudice the minds of the people in general against us
—because it is impos
-sible that one individual, can have
knowledge of all, therefore at some future day, when
some of the most virtuous, that were upon most praise-
worthy motives, induced to serve the sick, may fall in-
to the service of a family that are strangers to him, or
her, and it is discovered that it is one of those stigmatis-
ed wretches, what may we suppose will be the con-
sequence? Is it not reasonable to think the person will
be abhored, despised, and perhaps dismissed from em-
ployment, to their great disadvantage, would not this
be hard? and have we not therefore sufficient reason
to seek for-redress? We can with certainty assure the
public that we have seen more humanity, more real
sensibility from the poor blacks, than from the poor
whites. When many of the former, of their own ac-
cord rendered services where extreme necessity called
for it, the general part of the poor white people were
so dismayed, that instead of attempting to be useful,
they in a manner hid themselves—a remarkable in-
stance of this—A poor aflicted dying man, stood at
his chamber window, praying and beseeching every one
that passed by, to help him to a drink of water; a num-
ber of white people passed, and instead of being moved
by the poor man's distress, they hurried as fast as they
could out of the sound of his cries-until at length a
gentleman, who seemed to be a foreigner came up,
he could not pass by, but had not resolution enough to
go into the house, he held eight dollars in his hand, and
offered it to several as a reward for giving the poor
man a drink of water, but was refused by every one,
until a poor black man came up, the gentleman offer-
ed the eight dollars to him, if he would relieve the
poor man with a little water, "Master"
replied the
good natured fellow, "I will supply the gentleman
with water, but surely I will not take your money for
nor could he be prevailed upon to accept his boun-
ty: he went in, supplied the poor object with water,
and rendered him every service he could.
A poor black man, named Sampson, went constantly
from house to house where distress was, and no assist-
ance without fee or reward; he was smote with the
disorder, and died, after his death his family were
negleted by those he had served.
Sarah Bass, a poor black widow, gave all the assist-
ance she could, in several families, for which she did
not receive any thing; and when any thing was offer-
ed her, she left it to the option of those she served.
A5 A woman
A woman of our colour, nursed Richard Masonand
son, when they died, Richard's widow considering
the risk the poor woman had run, and from observing
the fears that sometimes relied on her mind, expected
she would have demanded something considerable, but
upon asking what she demanded, her reply was half
a dollar per day. Mrs. Mason, intimated it was not
sufficient for her attendance, she replied it was enough
for what she had done, and would take no more. Mrs.
Mason's feelings were such, that she settled an annui-
ty of six pounds a year, on her, for life. Her name is
Mary Scott.
An elderly black woman nursed --------with great
diligence and attention; when recovered he asked what
he must give for her services—she replied "a din-
ner master on a cold winter's day," and thus she went
from place to place rendering every service in her pow-
er without an eye to reward.
A young black woman, was requested to attend one
night upon a white man and his wife, who were very
ill, no other person could be had;—great wages were
offered her—she replied, I will not go for money, if I
go for money God will see it, and may be make me
take the disorder and die, but if I go, and take no
money, he may spare my life. She went about nine
o'clock, and found them both on the floor; she could
procure no candle or other light, but staid with them
about two hours, and then left them. They both di-
ed that night. She was afterward very ill with the
fever-her life was spared.
Caesar Cranchal, a black man, offered his services
to attend the sick, and said, I will not take your mo-
ney, I will not sell my life for money. It is said he
died with the flux.
A black lad, at the Widow Gilpin's, was intrusted
with his young Master's keys, on his leaving the city,
and transacted his business, with the greatest honesty,
and dispatch, having unloaded a vessel for him in the
time, and loaded it again.
A woman, that nursed David Bacon, charged with
exemplary moderation, and said she would not have
any more.
It may be said, in vindication of the conduct of
those, who discovered ignorance or incapacity in nurs-
ing, that it is, in itself, a considerable art, derived
from experience, as well as the exercise of the finer
feelings of humanity-this experience, nine tenths of
those employed, it is probable were wholly stran-
gers to.
We do not recollect such act of humanity from the
poor white people, in all the round we have been en-
gaged in. We could mention many other instances of
the like nature, but think it needless.
It is unpleasant for us to make these remarks, but
justice to our colour, demands it. Mr. Carey pays
William Gray and us a compliment; he says, our ser-
vices and others of their colour, have been very great
&c. By naming us, he leaves these others, in the
called the "vilest."
The few that were discovered
to merit public censure, were brought to justice, which
ought to have sufficed, without being canvassed over
in his "Trifle"
of a pamphlet—which causes us to be
more particular and endeavour to recall the esteem of
the public for our friends, and the people of colour,
as far as they may be found worthy; for we conceive,
and experience proves it, that an ill name is easier
given than taken away. We have many unprovoked
enemies, who begrudge us the liberty we enjoy, and
are glad to hear of any complaint against our colour,
be it just or unjust; in consequence of which we are
more earnestly endeavouring all in our power, to warn,
rebuke, and exhort our African friends, to keep a con-
science void of offence towards God and man; and, at
the same time, would not be backward to interfere,
when stigmas or oppression appear pointed at, or at-
tempted against them, unjustly; and, we are confident,
we shall stand justified in the fight of the candid and
judicious, for such conduct.
Mr. Carey's first, second, and third editions, are gone
forth into the world, and in all probability, have been
read by thousands that will never read his fourth-
consequently, any alteration he may hereafter make,
in the paragraph alluded to, cannot have the desired
effect, or atone for the past; therefore we apprehend
it necessary to publish our thoughts on the occa-
sion. Had Mr. Careysaid, a number of white
and black Wretches eagerly seized on the oppor-
tunity to extort from the distressed, and some few of
both were detected in plundering the sick, it might
extenuate, in a great degree, the having made men-
tion of the blacks.
We can assure the public, there were as many white
as black people, detected in pilfering, although the
number of the latter, employed as nurses, was twenty
times as great as the former,
and that there is, in our opinion, as great a proportion of white, as of black,
inclined to such practices. It is rather to be admired,
that so few instances of pilfering and robbery happened,
considering the great opportunities there were for
such things: we do not know of more than five black
people, suspected of any thing clandestine, out of the
great number employed; the people were glad to
get any person to assist them-a black was preferred,
because it was supposed, they were not so likely to
take the disorder, the most worthless were accepta-
ble, so that it would have been no cause of wonder,
if twenty causes of complaint occurred, for one that
hath. It has been alledged, that many of the sick,
were neglected by the nurses; we do not wonder at
it, confidering their situation, in many instances, up
night and day, without any one to relieve them, worn
down with fatigue, and want of sleep, they could not
in many cases, render that assistance, which was need-
ful: where we visited, the causes of complaint on this
score, were not numerous. The case of the nurses,
in many instances, were deserving of commiseration,
the patient raging and frightful to behold; it has fre-
quently required two persons, to hold them from run-
ing away, others have made attempts to jump out of a
window, in many chambers they were nailed down,
and the door was kept locked, to prevent them from
running away, or breaking their necks, others lay vo-
miting blood, and screaming enough to chill them with
horror. Thus were many of the nurses circumstanced,
alone, until the patient died, then called away to an-
other scene of distress, and thus have been for a week
or ten days left to do the best they could without any
sufficient rest, many of them having some of their
dearest connections sick at the time, and suffering for
want, while their husband, wife, father, mother, &c
have been engaged in the service of the white people
We mention this to shew the difference between this
and nursing in common cases, we have suffered equal-
ly with the whites, our distress hath been very great,
but much unknown to the white people. Few have
been the whites that paid attention to us while the
black were engaged in the other's service. We can
assure the public we have taken four and five black
people in a day to be buried. In several instances
when they have been seized with the sickness while
nursing, they have been turned out of the house, and
wandering and destitute until taking shelter wher-
ever they could (as many of them would not be admitted
to their former homes) they have languished alone and
we know of one who even died in a stable. Others
acted with more tenderness, when their nurses were
taken sick they had proper care taken of them at their
houses. We know of two instances of this.
It is even to this day a generally received opinion
in this city, that our colour was not so liable to the
sickness as the whites. We hope our friends will par-
don us for setting this matter in its true state.
The public were informed that in the West-Indies
and other places where this terrible malady had been,
it was observed the blacks were not affected with it.
Happy would it have been for you, and much more
so for us, if this observation had been verified by our
When the people of colour had the sickness and died,
we were imposed upon and told it was not with the
prevailing sickness, until it became too notorious to be
denied, then we were told some few died but not many.
Thus were our services extorted at the peril of our lives,
yet you accuse us of extorting a little money from you.
The bill of mortality for the year 1793, published
by Matthew Whitehead, and John Ormrod, clerks,
and Joseph Dolby, sexton, will convince any reason-
able man that will examine it, that as many coloured
people died in proportion as others. In 1792, there
were 67 of our colour buried, and in 1793 it amount-
ed to 305; thus the burials among us have increased
more than fourfold, was not this in a great degree
the effects of the services of the unjustly vilified black
Perhaps it may be acceptable to the reader to know
how we found the sick affected by the sickness; our
opportunities of hearing and seeing them have been
very great. They were taken with a chill, a head-
ach, a sick stomach, with pains in their limbs and back,
this was the way the sickness in general began, but
all were not affected alike, some appeared but slightly
affected with some of these symptoms, what confirmed
us in the opinion of a person being smitten was the co-
lour of their eyes. In some it raged more furiously
than in others -- some have languished for seven and
ten days, and appeared to get better the day, or some
hours before they died, while others were cut off in
one, two, or three days, but their complaints were si-
milar. Some
lost their reason and raged with all the
fury madness could produce, and died in strong con-
vulsions. Others retained their reason to the last,
and seemed rather to fall asleep than die. We could
not help remarking that the former were of strong
passions, and the latter of a mild temper. Numbers
died in a kind of dejection, they concluded they must
go, (so the phrase for dying was) and therefore in a
kind of fixed determined state of mind went off.
It struck our minds with awe, to have application
made by those in health, to take charge of them in
their sickness, and of their funeral. Such applications
have been made to us; many appeared as though they
thought they must die, and not live; some have lain
on the floor, to be measured for their coffin and grave.
A gentleman called one evening, to request a good
nurse might be got for him, when he was sick, and to
superintend his funeral, and gave particular directions
how he would have it conducted, it seemed a surpri-
sing circumstance, for the man appeared at the time, to
be in perfect health, but calling two or three days af-
ter to see him, found a woman dead in the house, and
the man so far gone, that to administer any thing for
his recovery, was needless--he died that evening.
We mention this, as an instance of the dejection and
despondence, that took hold on the minds of thousands,
and are of opinion, it aggravated the case of many,
while others who bore up chearfully, got up again,
that probably would otherwise have died.
When the mortality came to its greatest slage, it
was impossible to procure sufficient assistance, there-
fore many whose friends, and relations had left them,
died unseen, and unassisted. We have found them in va-
rious situations, some laying on the floor, as bloody as
if they had been dipt in it, without any appearance of
their having had, even a drink of water for their re-
lief; others laying on a bed with their clothes on, as
if they had came in fatigued, and lain down to rest;
some appeared, as if they had fallen dead on the floor,
from the position we found them in.
Truly our task was hard, yet through mercy, we
were enabled to go on.
One thing we observed in several instances—when
we were called, on the first appearance of the disorder
to bleed, the person frequently, on the opening a vein
before the operation was near over, felt a change for
the better, and expressed a relief in
their chief complaints; and we made it a practice to take more blood
from them, than is usual in other cafes.; these in a
general way recovered; those who did omit bleeding
any considerable time, after being taken by the sick-
ness, rarely expressed any change they felt in the ope-
We feel a great satisfaction in believing, that we
have been useful to the sick, and thus publicly thank
Doctor Rush, for enabling us to be so. We have bled
upwards of eight hundred people, and do declare, we
have not received to the value of a dollar and a half,
therefor: we were willing to imitate the Doctor's be-
nevolence, who sick or well, kept his house open day
and night, to give what assistance he could in this time
of trouble.
Several affecting instances occurred, when we were
engaged in burying the dead. We have been called to
bury some, who when we came, we found alive; at
other places we found a parent dead, and none but
little innocent babes to be seen, whose ignorance led
them to think their parent was asleep; on account of
their situation, and their little prattle, we have been so
wounded and our feelings so hurt, that we almost
concluded to withdraw from our undertaking, but see-
ing others so backward, we still went on.
An affecting instance.—A woman died, we were
sent for to bury her, on our going into the house and
taking the coffin in, a dear little innocent accosted us,
with, mamma is asleep, don't wake her; but when she
saw us put her in the coffin, the distress of the child was
so great, that it almost overcame us; when she de-
manded why we put her mamma in the box? We did
not know how to answer her, but committed her to
the care of a neighbour, and left her with heavy
hearts. In other places where we have been to take
the corpse of a parent, and have found a group of lit-
tle ones alone, some of them in a measure capable of
knowing their situation, their cries and the innocent
confusion of the little ones, seemed almost too much
for human nature to bear. We have picked up little
children that were wandering they knew not where,
whose (parents were cut off) and taken them to the
orphan house, for at this time the dread that prevail-
ed over people's minds was so general, that it was a
rare instance to see one neighbour visit another, and
even friends when they met in the streets were afraid
of each other, much less would they admit into their
houses the distressed orphan
that had been where thesickness was; this extreme seemed in some instances
to have the appearance of barbarity; with reluctance we
call to mind the many opportunities there were in the
power of individuals to be useful to their fellow-men, yet
through the terror of the times was omitted. A black
man riding through the street, saw a man push a wo-
man out of the house, the woman staggered and fell
on her face in the gutter, and was not able to turn
herself, the black man thought she was drunk, but
observing she was in danger of suffocation alighted
and taking the woman up found her perfetly sober,
but so far gone with the disorder that she was not able,
to help herself; the hard hearted man that threw her
down, shut the door and left her—in such a situation,
she might have perished in a few minutes: we heard
of it, and took her to Bush-hill. Many of the white
people, that ought to be patterns for us to follow af-
ter, have acted in a manner that would make humani-
ty shudder. We remember an instance of cruelty,
which we trust, no black man would be guilty of: two
sisters orderly, decent, white women were sick with
the fever, one of them recovered so as to come to the
door; a neighbouring white man saw her, and in an
angry tone asked her if her sister was dead or not?
She answered no, upon which he replied, damn her,
if she don't die before morning, I will make her die.
The poor woman shocked at such an expression, from
this monster of a man, made a modest reply, upon
which he snatched up a tub of water, and would have
dashed it over her, if he had not been prevented by a
black man; he then went and took a couple of fowls
out of a coop, (which had been given them for nou-
rishment) and threw them into an open alley; he had
his with, the poor woman that he would make die,
died that night. A white man threatened to shoot us,
As we passed by his house with a corpse: we buried
him three days after.
We have been pained to see the widows come to us,
crying and wringing their hands, and in very great
distress, on account of their husbands' death; having
nobody to help them, they were obliged to come
get their husbands buried, their neighbours were afraid
to go to their help or to condole to the frailty of human nature,
and not to wilful unkindness, or hardness of heart.
Notwithstanding the compliment of Mr. Carey hath
paid us, we have found reports spread, of our taking
between one, and two
hundred beds, from houses where people died; such slandereds as these, who propagate
such wilful lies are dangerous, although unworthy no-
tice. We wish if any person hath the least suspicion
of us, they would endeavor to bring us to the punish-
ment which such atrocious conduct must deserve; and
by this means, the innocent will be cleared from re-
proach, and the guilty known.
We shall now conclude with the following old pro-
verb, which we think applicable to those of our colour
who exposed their lived in the late afflicting dispensa-
God and a soldier, all men do adore,
In time of war, and not before;
When the war is over, and all things righted,
God is forgotten, and the soldier slighted.
Mayor of the City of Philadelphia.
FOR the personal respect we bear you, and for
the satisfaction of the Mayor, we declare, that to the
best of our remembrance we had the care of the fol-
lowing beds and no more.-
Two belonging to James Starr we buried; upon
taking them up, we found one damaged; the blankets,
&c. belonging to it were stolen; it was refused to be
accepted of by his son Moses; it was buried again, and
remains so for ought we know; the other was return-
ed and accepted of.
We buried two belonging to Samuel Fisher, mer-
chant; one of them was taken up by us, to carry a sick
person on to Bush-hill, and there left; the other was
buried in a grave, under a corpse.
Two beds were buried for Thomas Willing, one
six feet deep in his garden, and lime and water thrown
upon it; the otler was in the Potter's field, and fur-
ther knowledge of it we have not.
We burned one bed with other furniture, and cloath-
ing belonging to the late Mayor, Samuel Powel, on
his farm on the west side of Schuylkill river;—we bu-
ried one of his beds.
For --------Dickenson, we buried a bed in a lot of
Richard Allen; which we have good cause to believe,
was stolen.
One bed was buried for a person in front street,
whose name is unknown to us, it was buried in the
Potter's field, by a person employed for the purpose;
we told him he might take it up again after it had
been buried a week, and apply it to his own use, as he
said he had lately been discharged from the hospital
and had none to lay on.
Thomas Leiper's two beds were buried in the Pot-
ter's field, and remained there a week, and then taken
up by us, for the use of the sick that we took to Bush-
hill, and left there.
We buried one for --------Smith, in the Potter's
field, which was returned except the furniture, which
we believe was stolen.
One other we buried for ------Davis, in Vine street,
it was buried near Schuylkill, and we believe conti-
nues so.
A bed from ------Guests in Second street, was buried
in the Potter's field, and is there yet, for any thing
we know.
One bed we buried in the Presbyterian burial ground
the corner of Pine and Fourth streets, and we believe—
was taken up by the owner, Thomas Mitchel.
------Millegan in Second street, had a bed buried
by us in the Potter's field—we have no further know-
ledge of it.
This is a true state of matters respecting the beds,
as far as we were concerned, we never undertook the
charge of more than their burial, knowing they were
liable to be taken away by evil minded persons. We
think it beneath the dignity of an honestman, (although—
injured in his reputation by wicked and envious persons)
to vindicate or support his character, by an oath or le-
gal affirmation; we fear not our enemies, let them
come forward with their charges, we will not flinch,
and if they can fix any crime upon us, we refuse not
to suffer.
You have cause to believe our lives were endanger-
ed in more cases than one, in the time of the late
mortality, and that we were so discouraged, that had
it not been for your persuasion, we would have relin-
quished our disagreable and dangerous employment-
and we hope there is no impropriety in soliciting a
certificate of your approbation of our conduct, so far as
it hath come to your knowledge.
With an affectionate regard and esteem,
We are your friends,
January 7th 1794.
HAVING, during the prevalence of the late ma-
lignant disorder, had almost daily opportunities of
seeing the conduct of Absalom Jones and Richard
Allen, and the people employed by them, to bury the
dead—I with cheerfulness give this testimony of my
approbation of their proceedings, as far as the same
came under my notice. Their diligence, attention
and decency of deportment, afforded me, at the time,
much satisfaction.
Philadelphia,January 23, 1794.
An Address to those who keep Slaves, and approve the
THE judicious part of mankind will think it un-
reasonable, that a superior good conduct is looked for,
from our race, by those who stigmatize us as men,
whose baseness is incurable, and may therefore be held
in a state of servitude, that a merciful man would not
doom a beast to; yet you try what you can to prevent
our rising from the state of barbarism, you represent
us to be in, but we can tell you, from a degree of ex-
perience, that a black man, although reduced to the
most abject state human nature is capable of, short of
real madness, can think, reflect, and feel injuries, al-
though it may not be with the same degree of keen
resentment and revenge, that you who have been and
are our great oppressors, would manifest if reduced to
the pitiable condition of a slave. We believe if you
would try the experiment of taking a few black chil-
dren, and cultivate their minds with the same care,
and let them have the same prospect in view, as to
living in the world, as you would with
for your own children, you would find upon the trial, they were not
inferior in mental endowments.
We do not wish to make you angry, but excite your
attention to consider, how hateful slavery is in the
fight of that God, who hath destroyed kings and
princes, for their oppression of the poor slaves; Pha-
raoh and his princes with the posterity of king Saul,
were destroyed by the proteclor and avenger of slaves.
Would you not suppose the Israelites to be utterly un-
fit for freedom, and that it was impossible for them to
attain to any degree of excellence? Their story
shews how slavery had debased their spirits. Men
must be wilfully blind and extremely partial, that can-
not see the contrary effects of liberty and slavery upon
the mind of man; we freely confess the vile habits of-
ten acquired in a state of servitude, are not easily
thrown off; the example of the Israelites shews, who
with all that Moses could do to reclaim them from it,
still continued in their former habits more or less; and
why will you look for better from us? Why will you
look for grapes from thorns, or figs from thistles? It
is in our posterity enjoying the same privileges with
your own, that you ought to look for better things.
When you are pleaded with, do not you reply as
Pharaoh did, "wherefore do ye Moses and Aaron, let
the people from their work, behold the people of the
land, now are many, and you make them rest from
their burdens."
We wish you to consider, that God
himself was the first pleader of the cause of slaves.
That God who knows the hearts of all men, and the
propensity of a slave to hate his oppressor, hath strict-
ly forbidden it to his chosen people, "thou shalt not
abhor an Egyptian, because thou wast a stranger in
his land. Deut. xxiii. 7." The meek and humble
Jesus, the great pattern of humanity, and every other
virtue that can adorn and dignify men, hath command-
ed to love our enemies, to do good to them that hate
and despitefully use us. We feel the obligations, we
wish to impress them on the minds of our black bre-
thren, and that we may all forgive you, as we wish
to be forgiven; we think it a great mercy to have all
anger and bitterness removed from our minds; we
appeal to your own feelings, if it is not very disquiet-
ing to feel yourselves under the dominion of a wrath
ful disposition.
If you love your children, if you love your country,
If you love the God of love, clear your hands from
slaves, burden not your children or country with them.
Our hearts have been sorrowful for the late bloodshed
of the oppressors, as well as the oppressed, both ap-
pear guilty of each others blood, in the sight of him
who said, he that sheddeth man's blood, by man shall
his blood be shed.
Will you, because you have reduced us to the un-
happy condition our colour is in, plead our incapacity
for freedom, and our contented condition under op-
pression, as a sufficient cause for keeping us under the
grievous yoke? We have shewn the cause of our inca-
pacity, we will also shew, why we appear contented;
were we to attempt to plead with our masters, it would
be deemed insolence, for which cause they appear as
contented as they can in your fight, but the dreadful
insurrections they have made, when opportunity has
offered, is enough to convince a reasonable man, that
great uneasiness and not contentment, is the inhabitant
of their hearts.
God himself hath pleaded their cause, he hath from
time to time raised up instruments for that purpose,
sometimes mean and contemptible in your sight; at o-
ther times he hath used such as it hath pleased him,
with whom you have not thought it beneath your dig-
nity to contend, many have been convinced of their
error, condemned their former conduct, and become
zealous advocates for the cause of those, whom you
will not suffer to plead for themselves.
To the People of Colour.
FEELING an engagement of mind for your welfare, we
address you with an affectionate sympathy, having been
ourselves slaves, and as desirous of freedom as any of
you; yet the bands of bondage were so strong, that no way
appeared for our release, yet at times a hope arose in our
hearts that a way would open for it, and when our minds
were mercifully visited with the feeling of the love of God,
then these hopes increased, and a confidence arose that he
would make way for our enlargement,
and as a patient waiting was necessary, we were sometimes favoured with
it, at other times we were very impatient, then the pros
pect of liberty almost vanished away, and we were in dark-
ness and perplexity.
We mention our experience to you, that your hearts may
not sink at the discouraging prospects you may have, and
that you may put your trust in God, who sees your condition,
and as a merciful father pitieth his children, so doth God
pity them that love him; and as your hearts are inclined to
serve God, you will feel an affectionate regard towards your
masters and mistresses, and the whole family where you live,
this will be seen by them, and tend to promote your liberty,
especially with such as have feeling masters, and if they are
otherwise you will have the favour and love of God dwell-
ing in your hearts, which you will value more than any
thing else, which will be a consolation in the worst conditi-
on you can be in, and no master can deprive you of it; and
as life is short and uncertain, and the chief end of our hav-
ing a being in this world, is to be prepared for a better, we
wish you to think of this more than any thing else: then
will you have a view of that freedom which the sons of God
enjoy; and if the troubles of your condition end with your
lives, you will be admitted to the freedom which God hath
prepared for those of all colours that love him; here the
power of the most cruel master ends, and all sorrow and
tears are wiped away.
To you who are favoured with freedom, let your conduct
manifest your gratitude toward the compassionate masters
who have set you free, and let no rancour or ill-will lodge
in your breasts for any bad treatment you may have receiv-
ed from any; if you do, you transgress against God, who will
not hold you guiltless, he would not suffer it even in his beloved
people Isreal, and can you think he will allow it unto us?
There is much gratitude due from our colour towards the
white people, very many of them are instruments in the
hand of God for our good, even such as have held us in cap-
tivity, are now pleading our cause with earnestness and
zeal; and we are sorry to say, that too many think more
of the evil, than of the good they have received, and in-
stead of taking the advice of their friends, turn from it with
indifference; much depends upon us for the help of our co-
lour more than many are aware; if we are lazy and idle,
the enemies of freedom plead it as a cause why we ought not
to be free, and say we are better in a state of servitude, and
that giving us our liberty would he an in-
jury to us, and by such conduct we strengthen the bands of oppression, and
keep many in bondage who are more worthy than ourselves;
we intreat you to consider the obligations we lay under,
to help forward the cause of freedom, we who know how
bitter the cup is of which the slave hath to drink, O how
ought we to feel for those who yet remain in bondage? Will
even our friends excuse, will God pardon us, for the part
we act in making strong the hands of the enemies of our
A Short Address to the Friends of Him who hath no Helper.
WE feel an inexpressible gratitude towards you, who
have engaged in the cause of the African race; you
have wrought a deliverance for many, from more than E-
gyptian bondage, your labours are unremitted for their
complete redemption, from the cruel subjection they are in.
You feel our afflictions—you sympathize with us in the heart-
rending distress, when the husband is separated from the wife,
and the parents from the children, who are never more to
meet in this world. The tear of sensibility trickles from
your eye, to see the sufferings that keep us from increa-
sing.—Your righteous indignation is roused at the means
taken to supply the place of the murdered babe. You see
our race more effectually destroyed, than was in Pharaoh's
power to effect, upon lsrael's sons; you blow the trumpet
against the mighty evil, you make the tyrants tremble; you
strive to raise the slave, to the dignity of a man; you take
our children by the hand, to lead them in the path of vir-
tue, by your care of their education; you are not ashamed
to call the most abject of our race, brethren, children of one
father, who made of one blood all the nations of the earth:
You ask for this, nothing for yourselves, nothing but what
is worthy the cause you are engaged in; nothing but that
we would be friends to ourselves, and not strengthen the
bands of oppression, by an evil conduct, when led out of the
house of bondage. May he, who hath arisen to plead our
cause, and engaged you as volunteers in the service, add to
your numbers, until the princes shall come forth from Egypt
and Ethiopia stretch out her hand unto God.
YE Ministers, that are call'd to preaching,
Teachers, and exhorters too;
Awake ! behold your harvest wasting!
Arise ! there is no rest for you.
To think upon that strict commandment,
That God has on his teachers laid,
The sinner's blood, who dies unwarned,
Shall fall upon their Shepherd's head.
But oh ! dear brethren, let's be doing,
Behold the nation's in distress,
The Lord of Hosts forbid their ruin,
Before the day of grace is past.
We read of wars and great commotions,
Before the great and dreadful day,
Oh, Sinners turn your sinful courses,
And trifle not your time away.
But Oh! dear sinners, that's not all that's dreadful!
You must before your God appear!
To give an account of your transactions,
And how you spent your time, when here.
Just published, price 3d. A very neat Edition of
Sold by Darton and Harvey, No. 55, Gracechurch Street